Are You Seeking Opportunities to Shine Now?

Ever notice it isn’t until you are faced with a real humdinger of problem, that you have the opportunity to see how much you have learned?   Many of us read books on how to improve our businesses, delight our customers, sharpen our communication skills, and improve our attitudes, but we don’t always have the…

Are You Ready to Break the Cycle Now?

Recently I was sick for three weeks – and while I would have loved to make a real speedy recovery so I can get back to work fast, I question whether or not that is the best overall strategy for my body.   I find it heartbreaking how often people are told that medications or…

Is this the year you take control of your health?

Did you know your degree of happiness can impact your health?   It can, and that’s why I was invited to speak at the Wellness Revolution Summit this year.   Because if I know you, a Positive Leader, I’ll bet you’ve been putting in the effort—eating healthy, exercising, trying different wellness approaches—but it’s possible your…

Can you be here now?

Can you believe it? It’s February already! I don’t know about you but January went by way too fast. And if you’re like most people, some of your “resolutions” may have already dropped off your radar.   Me? Yep – an unexpected bout of illness – the “thing” that’s going around found its way into…

Want to increase your team’s productivity by 31%?

Is your team as productive as you’d like them to be?   Are they as engaged and innovative as you know they could be?   Many leaders I work with share the desire for a more productive, more engaged, and more creative team.   It’s a real challenge today to maintain team energy and engagement and focus on the…