Want to increase your team’s productivity by 31%?

Is your team as productive as you’d like them to be?   Are they as engaged and innovative as you know they could be?   Many leaders I work with share the desire for a more productive, more engaged, and more creative team.   It’s a real challenge today to maintain team energy and engagement and focus on the…

Heartful and thoughtful greeting from JoAnna

This past weekend was the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. Sunday was the longest night of the year.   This time of year – even among the hustle and bustle of the holidays – calls for a little bit of quiet, a little bit of reflection, a little bit of introspection.   A little…

Pay What You May? No way you say.

You may think I’m crazy. And maybe I am but here’s two things I know for sure after being in business a long time   Every team needs inspiration and new learnings to stay sharp Every company has a little bit of money left in a budget – somewhere   That’s why I am reaching…

What if I could do it for you?

Day in, day out it’s your job as a leader to keep your people motivated, engaged, and focused on creating value for the customers – external OR internal.   It’s hard work – I know, I’ve been there!   If you want to maintain that positive culture of yours – you must be consistently delivering 3– 5 times…

Unreasonable but not impossible?

I recently spoke at the Northeast Carwash Association where I met Will Guidara, Author of “Unreasonable Hospitality” – and it was love at first sight!   His message resonated deeply with everything I believe about leadership and creating magic in the workplace.   I had the session before his keynote, a management workshop which I called “How to…

Do you know how to do training right?

I just came from speaking at a conference in New Jersey and I had so many lovely conversations afterwards about “training.” I don’t know why I never really loved that word, and bristle when someone asks if I do it. “Of course” I say, but I know that when companies don’t look at the “whole”…

Urgent! Can you make your glass even fuller?

Did you ever actually sit down and think about, or write about, what would happen if you deliberately made the effort to create more positivity in your culture? Hmm.   I think about that question a lot. I read all the reports from Gallup about low engagement, I read the report by the Surgeon General…

Is your glass half full or half empty?

Lots of people think the difference between optimism and pessimism is simply the difference between looking at a glass as half full or half empty.   That’s not even half the story!   Optimism and pessimism are explanatory thinking styles, which means they are two different ways of explaining the world to ourselves (self-talk) at…

Act As If

How many times today did you use this skill?   I just got off the phone with a client who has an incredible knack for getting me to design “the next level” of work for her customer ambassadors.   And I know that as I put together her next several workshops, I’ll be using one…