Enjoy the Magic of Gratitude

Science tells us that recognizing, appreciating, and giving thanks for positive moments, people and things in our lives is healing. Gratitude makes us more resilient to stress, it helps us get along better with others, it helps us achieve more and be more helpful and generous to others. Grateful people are less depressed and are…


Human beings tend to move in the direction of what they talk about. So, leader, let’s stop talking about “what’s wrong” with “these kids today” and start talking about what’s right. If you’re on my list I know you care about creating great customer experiences and nourishing the kind of culture that promotes them. I encourage you to make your own “What’s right” list.

Young People Today

As I do frequently, I recently spoke at a meeting of top execs who are looking to create thriving companies. Once again, (really?) the topic of managing young people today, AKA Millennials, came up, as it’s done for at least a dozen years. I’m still hearing some of the same things now that I heard…


They’re Always Watching You 50 – 70% of an organization’s climate is determined by the actions of their leaders. Yep, that means you. Much of the time you spend at work is spent in clear view of those who report to you. In clear view of those who either admire you (and look for evidence of their admiration) or those at the other end of the spectrum who can’t stand your guts. (They spend their days looking for evidence of your evil-ness.) Most people are in between those extremes, but rest assured – People are watching you.

They’re Watching You

  They’re always watching you. 50 – 70% of an organization’s climate is determined by the actions of their leaders. Yep, that means you.  Much of the time you spend at work is spent in clear view of those who report to you. In clear view of those who either admire you (and look for…


All over the world people will be hosting Positive Flash Mobs, and posting pictures to social media. They will be sharing how they will be celebrating happiness, they’ll be taking challenges and doing kind acts for others. Oh and so much more.

Celebrate Happiness at Work

          Celebrate Happiness at Work! Next Monday is International Happiness Day. Yes really. In 2012, the United Nations (UN) declared March 20 to be observed as the International Day of Happiness. Its aim is to recognize that happiness is a fundamental human goal, and calls upon countries to approach public policies in ways that improve…


Yep, there IS an “F” word in business, and it’s FEELINGS. And I want you to start using that word often. The “F-Factor” in business is the feeling factor – the way people feel about working for and doing business with you. The customer experience is the sum total the feelings evoked as a result of any interaction at any touch point in the organization. It’s based on the customer’s perception of the value delivered, tangible and intangible.

Can You Use the “F” Word in Business?

Yep, there IS an “F” word in business, and it’s FEELINGS. And I want you to start using that word often.   The “F-Factor” in business is the feeling factor – the way people feel about working for and doing business with you.   The customer experience is the sum total the feelings evoked as a result of any interaction at any…


A Passion for the Possible

By JoAnna Brandi  Alice laughed, “There’s no use trying”, she said, “one can’t believe impossible things.” “I daresay you haven’t had much practice”, said the Queen. “When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”  – From Alice…


7 Tips for Developing a “Practice” of Gratitude and Happiness

What could gratitude and happiness possibly have to do with success on the job? Everything. There’s plenty of proof that there are health benefits to feeling grateful and happy; such feelings can reduce stress, boost your immune system, open your mind to new possibilities and make it easier to be kind and creative. There’s also…


The customer is in charge and the customer is talking - about you. There's great value in engaging the customer. Engaged customers buy more, tend to be more loyal and recommend their friends to you. The "thumbs up " on Facebook is one of the ways the customer spreads the word about you and one of the reasons you want to make sure you are engaging the customers in ways you never did before.

71% Take a Friend’s Recommendation

The customer’s opinion is more important than it ever was before. 71% of people said they take a friend’s recommendation for a product or service. Customers today are involved and engaged in a way never before possible and it’s changing the game. For the better, I think.   The customer’s in charge and the customer…


Just let that sink in for a moment. There is so much opportunity in a world where people are willing to spread the good word about the feel good experience they had

Are you a Blabbermouth?

During National Customer Service Week I did a webinar for Manpower HowtoCreateMoreWow. The technology was fun and I was able to do a few polls. As I was talking about Moments of Truth and Moments of Magic (a MOT turned into a WOW for a customer) I asked, In the last week, most of my…


Human nature is funny, and the need to complain is a big part of it. Put a person in a room with a “specialist” and they tend to want a little bit of free advice. My friend Robin, a lawyer, says whenever she goes to a party someone usually asks for a little legal advice.

Complain, Complain

Human nature is funny, and the need to complain is a big part of it. Put a person in a room with a “specialist” and they tend to want a little bit of free advice. My friend Robin, a lawyer, says whenever she goes to a party someone usually asks for a little legal advice. My friend…


We are all beginning to realize the value of developing long term, loyal relationships with our customer. They buy more and refer more, help us develop the next generation of products and services, and they even help us keep our advertising costs down. But are our customers the only people we should be building long term relationships with? No.

Customer Care – Inside and Out

We are all beginning to realize the value of developing long term, loyal relationships with our customers. They buy more and refer more, help us develop the next generation of products and services, and they even help us keep our advertising costs in reason. But are our customers (people external to our company that buy things from us) the only people we should be building long term relationships with? No. The relationship strategy applies externally and internally as well.


Isn’t it ludicrous to believe that we could ask workers to care about customers if they don’t feel cared about? Isn’t it crazy to think that we can ask people to take “ownership” of the customer and the customer’s problems; if we don’t take ownership and create a workplace where people can feel their sense of self-worth grow? And where they can learn and develop as people as well as performers?

Customer Care and Employee Care Go Hand in Hand

I just returned from speaking at another Inc. Magazine Conference on Customer Service Strategies. I enjoyed three days of learning and networking with some of the best and the brightest minds in the field, and in the entrepreneurial community. There was one thing in particular that was so rewarding for me this year. The absolute recognition and affirmation in almost every session that I attended that without creating an environment where the workers feel valued and good about coming to work, you cannot even hope to deliver a level of service that will build true customer loyalty.
