We so appreciate it …
As my way of saying thanks, I would like to give you a free copy of my first book “Winning at Customer Retention”.
In its original form it sold over 10,000 copies before we converted it to a convenient E-book format.
This is a little book with a big impact. This one-idea-on-a-page book delivers insight that can be used at every level of an organization to build and sustain customer retention, loyalty and happiness.
Based on the premise that the businesses that will thrive are those that recognize and nurture strong, trusting relationships, “Winning” offers a look at the interaction between marketing and customer care. At the heart of “relationship marketing” is relationship mastery.
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“Winning at Customer Retention”
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As an extra bonus, you’ll receive a free copy of my twice monthly Customer Care Tip: Ideas, Insights and Wisdom on Creating a Positive Customer Caring Culture.