What makes YOU feel good at work?
Is it the people you work with, the opportunity your job offers, the way your boss encourages you to get better every day?Perhaps it’s the benefit plan, the close-to-home location, your flexible schedule or maybe the chance you get every day to contribute what you do best?Different people feel good for different reasons and I suspect that if more bosses better understood how to tap into what I call the Feel-Good-At-Work Factor™ people would be more willing to give more and be more at work.
You see, nine out of ten people I’ve asked tell me that when they feel good at work they perform better and are more productive. They just don’t feel good at work that often.
That got me thinking.
What if there was a way to find out more about what really activates the Feel-Good-At-Work Factor™ – that special combination of things that motivates people to be their best selves at work? What if there was a way to take the pulse of all the generations we have in the workplace now – at this critical time – and find out what they need from their leaders and managers so they might feel good, perform better, and produce more?
There is a way. And this is it.
I’m JoAnna Brandi, speaker, writer, consultant, happiness coach and specialist in the field of customer loyalty. After 18 years in this business I know this – the power in every company lies in its people. When people show up to work with passion and purpose they’re willing to contribute more and go the extra mile to make a customer happy. That gives a company a competitive edge that’s hard to beat, and people a deeply satisfying day’s work that makes them proud.
Will you help?
We want to see companies get better at activating the Feel-Good-At-Work Factor™. I’ve asked my colleague and friend Amanda Levy to collaborate with me on writing a book that will help managers understand more about motivating, activating and energizing people at work and we need all the help we can get – your help, and the help of your friends and colleagues.
Please take our survey now and pass it along to everyone you know. We want as many people as possible to weigh in on this question and be part of this project.
What makes YOU feel good at work?
Get involved with this survey project and help us write this book and let’s update the bosses on what really matters to you today. We can change things in the workplace, with your help.
To make the survey easier to think about, we’ve suggested seven categories that your “factors” might fall into. If you have something to contribute in every category, that’s fine. If you don’t, that’s fine too. There’s a place to put your ideas even if they don’t fit into one of our categories.
When you leave us with your email address, we’ll update you monthly on our progress. There’s a place to do that at the end of the short survey.
Everybody is motivated to succeed by a different combination of factors, please let us know what yours are. Thank you for sharing your Feel-Good-At-Work Factor™ with us.
Remember to pass this along and let’s get moving to make things better for everyone at work.
JoAnna Brandi and Amanda Levy are both part of the Founder’s Group of Positive Workplace International.
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