Last week I celebrated my 26th business anniversary. Whew.
There were so many points through the years that I thought I just wasn’t going to make it. My belief in my mission was clear. I thought my message was consistent. I knew I was a little ahead of my time but I figured if I stuck at it long enough the common sense of it all would prevail.
It did, and now, helped along with a boatload of scientific data that proves that kindness, goodness and caring matters – to the bottom line – I feel confident that my messages will resonate like never before! With your help I can look forward to another quarter of a century!
Businesses THRIVE when all its relationships are healthy.
When your customers, employees, suppliers, families, and communities can attest to the fact that you are a great company to work for and a great company to do business with, it means you have created value in some way – tangible or intangible – that spills out and over into the world – spreading positivity, goodness and maybe even love into a world that needs it badly.
Happy. Healthy. Whole. You.
When you as a leader focus on building and nourishing relationships that are packed with relevant value – tangible and intangible – you build an organization that thrives.
My dream is that you will – this year – step into being a Positive Leader wholeheartedly. That means being a positive energizer in your world.
My commitment is to be a Positive Energizer myself – raising the “Positivity Capacity” of the planet by helping you raise it in your world.
Stop by and visit our newly launched website www.ReturnOnHappiness.com
It’s updated and chock full of articles, blog posts, tips and more to make your job as a leader a little easier and a little more fun.
As my gift to you I’d like to share this Special Report: Creating Customer Happiness: 54 Things You Can Do to Leverage the Power, Passion and Positivity of Your Workforce.
If you are ready to energize your team and help raise the tonnage of happiness on the planet grab this special compilation of “How-to’s” and get going!
Find the report here: www.ReturnOnHappiness.com/Anniversary
Thanks for being part of my dream!