There’s nothing that makes me happier than training young leaders.


For the most part they come to positive leadership with beginner’s mind and are fascinated to learn that their ability to create positivity, happiness and joy in their own lives is the “special sauce” needed to create high performance teams at work.

Now of course, I don’t tell this to them coming out of the gate.


In “The Practice of Positive Leadership” course which we use as the “text” for group coaching, they first learn all about the “Service-Profit” chain, creating value, challenging assumptions, customers needs, willpower and rest BEFORE they learn about happiness.


But then in week three – it’s all about the science of happiness.


Last week as I took 20 young positive leaders through the Wisdom Circle experience as I do after each lesson, there were so many “AHA’s” that this week I thought I’d share some with you.

Here were some of their key takeaways.


The Power of Presence: One powerful pathway to happiness lies in our ability to be fully present in the moment. By consciously slowing down, taking deep breaths, and focusing on our senses, we can find pockets of peace and appreciation amidst the chaos. Even a 5-minute mindfulness break between meetings or calls can help reset our energy and shift our perspective. (Early in our relationship they agreed to shorten their meeting times to 25 and 55 minutes to give themselves some breathing room between meetings. They love it, it works well.)


Embracing Awe: Experiencing a sense of awe – whether it’s marveling at a breathtaking sunset, being moved by a beautiful piece of music, or as they discovered – even staring at beautiful stone – can have remarkable effects on both their physiology and emotional states. They are now actively seeking out and savoring these small moments of wonder. The science tells us this can increase our feelings of interconnectedness, gratitude, and overall well-being. I am practicing more of this myself – so I had a lot to share.


Positive Self-Talk: They discovered that the way they speak to themselves has a profound impact on their mindset, emotional state and their overall health! We had an active and laugh-out-loud discussion about the importance of catching and reframing negative self-talk and replacing it with affirmations of self-compassion and positivity. Just as they might do for a friend, they are learning to be their own greatest supporters. You could almost see the sparks fly as we all shared experiences and insights!


Creating Uplifting Rituals: They realized that some of what we’ve already engrained in the culture and in their lives fall under the category of “rituals.” Establishing positive rituals, such as starting each day with a gratitude practice, engaging in appreciation circles, or exploring new experiences that bring joy, can quite literally rewire their brains for happiness. They’ve created a “Tell me something good” culture with intentional habits that help them focus on the good, even in challenging times. They are more uplifted – and their staffs are more uplifted!


This was the week they learned that 40% of their happiness comes from things that are under their voluntary control, we had fun brainstorming the ways people can create more intentional happiness in their lives! The introverts in the room especially enjoyed this discussion when they found out that reading a book, doing a puzzle or taking a solo walk was indeed adding to their happiness!


As we ended our Wisdom Circle, a common thread emerged: happiness is not a destination, but a journey of conscious choices and mindful practices. By embracing the science of happiness and implementing its principles into our daily lives, we can cultivate a greater sense of peace, fulfillment, and overall well-being – not just for ourselves, but for those around us as well. This gives us the basis for leading others in kind, compassionate and inspiring ways.


Isn’t that what your workforce wants these days?

We need Positive Leaders who inspire, support and energize their teams adding to their good health and well-being. Do you do that?

All the best,


PS Find out how you can take your entire leadership through the Positive Leadership journey with me. 561-279-0027 and ask about the many ways I use Wisdom Circles to teach, learn and understand your culture.

Coming soon: Well-Being Research! Ways for you to measure the well-being of your team.



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