Do you ever wonder if you feel the same way about your job as people in another company feels about theirs?
I can remember a time when the PR about the company I worked for was so good that the truth about some people’s experience there (like middle managers) was kept quietly in the dark, shadowed by good press. I often wondered if anyone knew. Certainly I couldn’t say anything at the time.
Do you ever wonder how the experience of working at your company stacks up against that of other companies in your area? Ever wonder if those great stories (or horror stories) you hear are true?
I think most people do wonder. Is the grass greener somewhere else? Do others feel the way I do?
Even if you’re the CEO, you most likely wonder how your company compares and how your employees really feel about working there. Do they have what they need to take care of their customers? Are they happy?
Most CEO’s I know would like to get some real insight – like the “undercover boss” does. Many secretly wonder if people are telling the truth in their annual employee survey (or if things have changed in the last few months in reaction to one crisis or another.)
For the last few years I’ve had a keen interest in understanding what makes people feel good at work.
I’ve been asking questions, listening deeply, delivering workshops, field testing ideas and enrolling people at all levels of client organizations in a vision of creating workplaces that are happier, healthier and more prosperous.
Somehow my curiosity led me to discover a new application that gives workers a voice and gives executives an ear for understanding what things really matter to people at work today.
Workers Count is a place where people at all levels of an organization have a chance to vote on the issues that matter to them and to take a moment to reflect on how their day is going.
Secure – by design and policy – it’s an app that gives employees a voice – anonymously. In doing that it gives employers a rare opportunity to find out how people really feel about the companies for whom they work.
There’s no doubt about it – competitive advantage in today’s world springs from the caring and enthusiasm of your people. People who are happy, engaged and supported at work create experiences for customers that keep them coming back with friends and money.
Workers Count gives everyone the opportunity to “vote” on how they are doing at work right now.
Up to three times a day you get to stop and think about your experience and cast your vote. I get a kick out of clicking on the green smiley face (and usually get a smile on my face) when I take a tiny breather to check in. When I find myself wanting to click on the “not-so-smiley” face I pause and assess what’s going on.
I enjoy answering the interesting and provocative questions and enjoy checking back the next day to see if I’m in the majority of those who agree or disagree.
Last week I discovered that only 57% answered “Frequently” to this very important question, “Our company enables us to make customers happy.” YIKES!
You get a daily reminder email that’s got the question of the day and some interesting insight. A link takes you to sign in with a social media account,where you can “vote” up to three times a day.
I take that opportunity to check my state of mind and see if I need to take a breather, or a glass of water, and just be conscious about my state of body and mind. I enjoy the experience. My guess is you might too.
Workers Count is a pulse on the beat of the real world of business and a starting point for improvement.
Jim Collins writing in the book Good to Great, says “A primary task in taking a company from good to great is to create a culture wherein people have a tremendous opportunity to be heard, and ultimately for truth to be heard.”
If you are reading my newsletters and you are on my list – you are a “Good to Great” or already “Great” company. I urge you, no matter what your job title to take a look at what this app can provide for you. It delivers the voice of the workplace real time every day. How do you stack up?
Workers Count is a community I am making a commitment to be part of. I want to know the truth about people’s experiences at work so I can play a part in making all workplaces positive workplaces.
By the way – there is no cost at all to use it. Workers and management have the same access to the aggregated info about each company.
Great care has been taken so people can’t “game the system” and so no one can ever identify who said what. I must have asked twenty questions to make sure that what I recommending is safe for you to use. After receiving the answers, I believe it is.
I am believer that people together telling the truth can create real sustainable change. I believe that Workers Count is going to make companies more successful and accountable as people speak more about what matters to them and weigh in on the questions that are relevant to their experience.
Your personal information is safe and by sharing it you become part of community of people that feels work matters enough to stop – breathe – and think about the quality of their experience at least once a day.
Just think about what that could do for the customer experience. If you are aware of how you are feeling you have the power to change what you are feeling. Join me in creating a powerful voice for customer and employee happiness by signing up right now.
My life’s work is about helping people create happiness at work – Workers Count will help us measure how well we are doing! Send this to 3 friends and ask them to send it to 3 friends. Be social, spread the word. Do it now.
Helping companies activate the link between positivity and profitability.
PS – If you are a CEO or company leader wondering how your employees are feeling, call me. I am willing to help you write a letter to introduce the concept of using Workers Count to your workforce. 561-279-0027