Gallup Delivers Disturbing News

Just before I sat down to say ‘Thank You’ to all of you who took time out of your day to complete the survey I sent recently, I got an email from Gallup connecting me to their latest – and somewhat disturbing – report.   Usually employee engagement and well being go hand in hand,…

Where Does It Hurt?

If you are like most people, there is a part of you that is just exhausted. A pandemic, a controversial national election, grief, isolation and more feels like it’s pulling us all down. If you let it. When you look outside yourself, it appears like we are swirling in one controversy or another. If you…

Heart Shape for the Nature

Are You Spreading the Love?

Valentine’s Day is here! It’s fun to go into or past stores and see the shelves stacked with shiny red hearts, yummy chocolates and cards that express love in so many different ways. What’s even more fun is knowing that this celebration of love goes all the way back to 5th century Rome.   Some…

Do You Feel What I Feel?

If I were to ask you what one single leadership skill you’ve had to exercise the most in the last year, I’d venture to say that EMPATHY would be up there. What else would be on your list? Resilience. Strategy. Connection. Communication. Patience, Humanity? All of the above and more?   As I talk to…