It’s the time of year when gardens look lush here in the northern hemisphere.


A seasoned gardener will tell you there are no miracles to creating beautiful flowers and delicious veggies, just as there is no miracle to creating a flourishing business.


But just for fun, I thought I’d try – and share with you my MIRACLE growth formula for your business.


M – Moments of Truth are where the customer touches the company. These are opportunities for customers to judge the quality of your service. Are you turning those moments into Moments of Magic, Misery, or just Mediocrity? Take a good hard look at where you can improve. If you need help give me a call.


I – Improvement, Innovation, Ideas, and Inspiration – the “I’s have it! An environment constantly seeking feedback and reacting to it is healthier and stronger than one ignoring opportunities for improvement. Companies that don’t routinely seek to get better will quickly cease to be good. Leaders who inspire the best in people and challenge them to bring their whole selves to work will coax more growth out of their “gardens.” If you really want to know contact me and ask me to do a complimentary research “Glimpse” it’s always eye opening.


R – Right relationship. When I was a backyard organic farmer, I learned that planting basil next to tomatoes and bordering the garden with marigolds naturally deters bugs. In business, it’s all about relationships too. Good relationships with suppliers, employees, customers, and the community create an “Appreciating Cycle.” Nice guys really can finish first, if they’re smart too. If you want to know more about that cycle, I’ve got a program for that, it’s pretty awesome!


A – Appreciation. William James said, “The deepest human need is that for appreciation.” Express gratitude frequently, and watch people blossom. Even plants respond to appreciation! Try this experiment at home – talk to one of your plants daily, appreciating its beauty. I guarantee it’ll grow faster and fuller than one that doesn’t get attention. Then try it on people! It’s a good time for me to say “I appreciate you for reading and ask you to pass my “Museletter” along to a few colleagues. I want to grow too.”


C – Caring Culture. Culture is your enterprise’s soul, the root system of your garden. It can be carefully crafted like a well-landscaped garden or neglected and allowed to grow wild. Real Customer Caring Positive Cultures require dedication, attention, and skilled gardeners. What you focus on grows. I can get your whole team focused on that growth with inspiration and education.


L – Living Values. Values emerging from the culture need to be lived daily in intention and deed, starting with leadership. The leader’s ability to “Walk the Talk” is key to crafting a culture customers can feel good about. The Customer’s Experience (internal and external) is an emotional thing – the connection you make better be one that makes them feel good enough to spend money, energy or time with you again. Need to work on your team or company values – Try my “Outside In Values Process”.


E – Enthusiasm. When you focus on possibilities, not problems, your day usually takes a positive twist. Miracles occur when you hold space for them. Enthusiasm fuels your projects and fires you up for the next. Your passion will take you past places you never thought possible. Remember, life is short and we create our own happiness moment-to-moment. There is no way to happiness; happiness is the way.


So, how does YOUR garden grow? Try using my MIRACLE flourishing formula this season and watch it thrive!


C’mon hit return and send me an email and let me know how your garden grows.

Growfully yours,


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