Happy New Year!
Today’s my first day back to exercising and blogging in a few weeks. A nasty cold, some minor surgery, and the holidays out of state visiting family has kept me away from both.
It feels good to back.
This morning at my “Extreme Stretch” class my brain kicked into gear. I began to think about how all companies are going to need to do the extreme stretch (right out of their comfort zones) over the next few months if they want to stay in the game.
Mine included.
As much as I’d to keep doing just what I am doing, I am afraid that in order to be of service to my clients I need to get myself out of my comfort zone and start developing some more easy to use affordable management and front line service tools.
And, I’d better be more aggressive about selling them.
I tend to shy away from too much selling feeling that when a company is ready to transform their customer care, they’ll let me know.
Oh brother.
That’s a lazy and lame excuse for not doing a better job at both selling and marketing (uh, and blogging.)
So expect to see more of me as I make “Extreme Stretch” one of my 2009 mottos.
And by the way, you should know that in Julie’s extreme stretch class we accomplish our goals my moving mindfully and gently – it doesn’t have to hurt.
Remember – if your NOT practicing and perfecting any skills having to do with taking better care of your customers (and your precious employees) you’re not serious about staying in the game for the long haul. Make all the budget cuts you need to in other areas and increase your spending when it comes to finding better and more innovative ways to care for those precious customers. After the downturn is over, you’ll be up while others will still be struggling.
Trust me – I’ve been around a long time and weathered more than a few downturns. This one will require you change in ways you never thought possible. Focus on the customer – stretch further – and focus on the customer. Make knowing and loving your customer your core strength. Without customers there is no business. Think: customer retention and customer loyalty. Ask: What can I do to create more value? What can I do to ease their pain? What can I do to help them now, that will help them see me as a loyal and trustworthy advisor?