Life has sped up. Everyone is in a hurry. Information is coming at us from all sides, all the time, on all our devices. Do you find your mind racing? I know I do.

Life has sped up.

Everyone is in a hurry.

Information is coming at us from all sides, all the time, on all our devices.

Do you find your mind racing? I know I do.

And I know that a mind racing leads to a heart racing stress reaction.

Stress is a major issue facing workplaces all over the world, according to Human Resource Executive Magazine.


When you slip into stress your body begins producing more cortisol and adrenaline (and about 50 other different bio-chemicals.)

They’re real useful when you have to run away or fight back.

They’re not at all helpful in the long term when you’re trying to communicate with others with integrity, solve problems, create solutions or keep your customers happy.

Rushing through things, especially interactions with others, is a recipe for error and miscommunication, not to mention unhappiness.


Create a good habit of noticing when you’ve sped up or when your attention has wandered from where you want it to be. Once you’ve noticed that – STOP for a brief moment.

Take a breath.


Get present to your intention and then use my favorite new little mantra, “Don’t hurry, be happy.”


March is the month we celebrate happiness.

March 20th is the International Day of Happiness. Get involved – get your workplace involved, get your community involved. All 193 United Nations member states have adopted a resolution calling for happiness to be given greater priority.

You can too.

Maybe you’ll choose to have your business, your department or your social group do the same.

We’ll be posting on our Facebook page.

Get used to slowing down enough to pay attention to what’s important – the well-being of the humans around you.


Don’t hurry, be happy.



PS I’m thrilled that we’ll be republishing our updated “54 Ways to Stay Positive” book so watch for news of that as it develops!

In the meantime join us at (my personal blog) for updates.

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