Years ago my former boss told me that the easiest way to break the ice at networking meetings and cocktail parties was to have a question to ask. Sounded like a good idea, since I found myself shy in those situations. For years, “What makes your customers happy?” was the question I asked. I heard everything from “A good sale” to “When everything works right.” To “When they feel cared for or loved.” I still enjoy finding out what make customers “happy, loyal and coming back.”
Recently I found myself with a new question, “What makes YOU happy at work?”
Why? Because I believe – as do many other executives – that a positive culture is a strategic competitive advantage.
I don’t know about where you live but here in South Florida companies that are growing fast are faced with a huge challenge – finding enough of the right workers. In fact what many senior execs have shared with me is that their only hope for growing their companies is to “import” talent from other states or attract them away from other companies. Part of their “attraction strategy” is to make their cultures more attractive, magnetic and fun.
So I’m curious.
What makes YOU happy at work?
I’ve set up a page on my website where you can share with me your thoughts about what makes YOU happy at work. While you’re there, there’s room to share with me what makes others in your workplace happy. I’m going to use the information for future tips and blogs, and it can be anonymous if you like.
And in addition – because it’s International Happiness Day on the 20th I’ve put together a new special report that I thought you’d enjoy. It’s called 12 Ways to Make Your Workplace a Happy Place and it’s a meaty piece where I share a dozen of my best ideas on creating a culture you and your employees will love.
So – it’s as easy as 1,2,3.
- Share your thoughts here https://returnonhappiness.com/what-makes-you-happy-at-work/
- Grab your copy of my latest special report here https://returnonhappiness.com/happyplace/
- Do something special for International Happiness Day here http://www.dayofhappiness.net/#join
I know you’ll be happy you did!
With gratitude,
Share the Happiness here