I’m sitting at the beach and looking up to a clear blue sky. A small plane passes pulling a banner advertising a local bar that has happy hour every day.
I wonder.
Do you?
Well maybe not even a whole hour, and maybe it’s not everyday (curmudgeons rejoice!).
But what if once a week there was a happy hour at your place?
Can you take an hour – or even a half – when you get together as a team and talk about the things that happened that very week that made you feel proud, happy, inspired, elevated or appreciated?
Imagine taking time to celebrate customers, celebrate each other, celebrate and acknowledge milestones completed, ideas put into action.
I keep a journal on my desk – a nice black leather bound book given to me by Winning Workplaces when I spoke there last – and I keep track of the things that matter to me. I keep track of the things that I complete, delete, create and the things I do each week that feed my soul (soul food). If I don’t stop and acknowledge myself, I move too fast through my weeks and think I’m not doing enough. I’ve learned that I have to pat myself on the back.
Positive leadership practices matter whether you are leading a customer service department, a company or a life.
Happy hour? You bet.
Find a way to do it every week – it ends the week on an up note and sets the stage for the next. Want to create more positive experiences for your customers? Start creating more positivity at your place.
Be well, stay happy!