Here we are in 2012! Can you believe it?
I am so glad its finally here. I know many people that were really happy to see 2011 go, with all its challenges and opportunities for growth. This year starts with optimism and with wishes for happiness.
Last night I completed my first tip of the year and today it will be emailed and posted on the site. I’m going to duplicate a portion of it here, because I want to share the message with my blog readers as well as my “tip” readers AND have a place where you can share your comments with me.
What’s the First Word of the Year?
The very first sentence we say to each other at the very first moment of a New Year is “Happy”. The very first word we shout as the ball drops is “Happy!”
Our very first wish for each other at the beginning of a new year is a wish for happiness. One would think that with all that wishing, we’d be a little happier for it.
Happiness doesn’t come just because we wished for it, it comes because we intend it to.
In a changing, challenging and sometimes downright negative world, we need to put a little effort behind being happy if we want to invite it, feel it and encourage it to grow.
I intend to nurture my own happiness, because for me it’s been hard to come by. I wasn’t genetically programmed for it. Happiness comes for me as the end result of focusing my attention on things I can appreciate and love and by minimizing the fears that try to hijack my well being.
Some days it takes re-framing situations before I can find something in them I can appreciate.
I learned how to become happier. And I am so grateful for that learning and for all the new opportunities that now come my way because I know how to teach companies to become happier places. I teach the people in them to take responsibility for creating more positive emotions in a deliberate way for themselves and customers.
So here we are – a new year – 2012. It’s a significant year.
What will you do to step up to its significance?
What do you intend for your happy new year?
I intend to create more kindness and less criticism.
I intend to speak my truth more clearly and succinctly.
I intend to sit in silence more often.
I intend to look for and find things to appreciate all day long, every day.
I intend to rewire my internal circuitry by creating more positive pathways in my brain and by going to my heart more often to create internal coherence of body-mind-spirit.
[You can read more of my intentions in the “Articles” section of www.ReturnOnHappiness.com]
What do you intend for your happy new year?
I intend to keep more gratitude lists and do the exercises that are proven to help reduce stress and create positive emotions (not just happiness – there are lots of positive emotions!) Amy please link this back to the holiday list of all the emotions from the last tip)
I intend to create more positive emotions and radiate positivity as a result. I intend to savor the good stuff more.
What do you intend for your happy new year?
I encourage you to start your list if you haven’t yet. In my workshops I teach that intention is a force as powerful as gravity because it can pull you towards what you want. It enlists the sophisticated circuitry of the human brain and searches the environment for just the thing you were thinking about.
Think about what you want – at work, at home, at school, in relationship, for your body, for your soul, for your good health. Think about it, and write down a list of intentions. The act of doing that will begin to get your brain on your side (despite any genetic tendencies) and working on your own behalf.
It’s the best time of year to create the habit of happiness.
What are YOUR intentions for the New Year? Post a comment here and I will witness them on your behalf and send a blessing for their speedy creation!
Thank you for giving me another opportunity to be of service to my favorite community – people that care about their customers!