This past weekend was the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. Sunday was the longest night of the year.
This time of year – even among the hustle and bustle of the holidays – calls for a little bit of quiet, a little bit of reflection, a little bit of introspection.
A little “time in.”
(Okay, if you’re in retail or online sales, you may have to postpone your “time in” a week or so.)
The concept of “time in” comes from Tal Ben Shahar, who taught the first Happiness and Positive Leadership class at Harvard.
He emphasized that every leader needs time for reflection, review, and integration.
The our fast-paced world where changes happen at lightening speed, we often find ourselves merely reacting. But what if we could respond thoughtfully, guided by our core values?
Did you know that two-thirds of a leader’s success comes from EQ – emotional intelligence?
Emotionally intelligent people make time for awareness, curiosity, and discovery.
They ask empowering questions, then step back – walking, swimming, or listening to music – allowing those questions to percolate.
- Who do we want to be for our customers?
- What higher purpose do we serve?
- Are we authentic and sincere in our relationships?
- Do we live our values through the experiences we provide?
- Is our team moving together toward a compelling vision?
- How can we create an environment where people flourish?
Take the questions that resonate with you into your “time in”
Approach them with curiosity not judgment.
Play with the questions lightly at first and then go to your heart. Then leave them there while you go out and play.
Rest. Relax. Breathe. Laugh. Be reasonable about what you can handle, say “no” when needed, and stay present with others. Be real.
Celebrate the wonderful holiday season with friends and loved ones.
The answers can wait until you are rested and rejuvenated. Let’s ring in the new year with optimism and courage!
And if you’d like coaching in your Positive Leadership practice, call me at 561-866-0528 – we have end-of-the year specials that will knock your socks off. Just ask.
I am deeply grateful for you in my life.
May the joy of the season melt your heart,