If you are like most leaders there is one thing that is front and center in your mind these past few months – and that’s emotional well-being – yours and that of your team and your customers.


It’s been one heck of a ride, huh?


I don’t think anyone has gotten away unscathed by the many after effects of the pandemic. Fear, stress, anxiety, trauma, isolation, separation, grief, illness – in one way or another it’s touched everyone. Me included.


As we are seeing some light – finally – we are realizing how precious well-being – physical and emotional – actually is.


If you’ve been working from home for the first time it’s probably been a humanizing and humbling experience. Especially for leaders!


If nothing else, in this last 15 months leaders have realized that it’s no longer enough to just focus on the needs of the business – or even just the needs of the customers. Leaders now realize that it’s important to meet the very HUMAN needs of their employees too – and maybe first!


I was recently on call sponsored by the Potential Project and we did a LIVE word cloud. The entire group contributed to answering the question – What are the key leadership traits for the new world of work?

WOW! What a lively response. (And fun too!)


Here are the top 16 items I could see in the cloud – Compassion and Empathy seemed to be tied for first place. After that…


Vulnerability, Authenticity, Trust, Agility, Flexibility, Resilience, Awareness, Optimism, Humanity, Transparency, Adaptability, Care, Connection, Inspiration – and many more- showed clearly that what is needed are leaders who have emotional intelligence and the willingness and skills to support the HUMANITY of their workforce moving forward.


Are you ready to journey INSIDE to find out if you are well prepared to lead in a post-pandemic space?


It’s time to upgrade the leadership operating system. It’s time to make an investment in going inward to what you as a leader are willing to BE and DO to help your team leap forward.

As I’ve written before, Gallup is predicting burnout – big time – if we don’t start addressing our emotional issues at work. That’s an “inside job.”


Are you ready to have a conversation about what lies ahead?

Are you ready to reach out to find out what is easily available to you for taking the very important next steps needed? I hope so.


Give yourself the gift of spending 25 minutes with this Positive Leadership Coach.


There’s no sales, no pitch, just a genuine interest in helping you find the strengths you need to keep moving forward! I had to dig deep inside to find which ones I need!

And in case you don’t want to talk about your strengths – that’s fine. I’m offering 25 minutes for you to discuss what matters to you and how you can continue to grow in a direction that will honor the humanity of your team and help you build emotional well-being at work!


You don’t even need to read the “copy” on the page.. just skip on down to the bottom of the page for my promise to you (no sales call) or hit anyone of the orange buttons for access to my calendar and book a time between now and the end of June (or after the 15th of July) and I am here, at your service.


It’s safe space to talk about the things that matter now.


There are awful lot of people out there looking elsewhere for another job – or no job at all – as the workplace is changing before our very eyes.

Leadership is ever evolving and if you want to get ahead of this curve, let’s talk! Go to www.PositiveLeadershipCoach.com


All the best


PS – or call 561-279-0027 or hit “reply” on your email to find out what kind of training, coaching (group or individual) is available to you now! I’m looking for suggestions for the kind of webinars and teaching you are looking for in these strange and exciting times.

I’d love to hear from you!


VOLUNTEERS and SPONSORS NEEDED!!I’d love to be doing a podcast and getting more info, opinion and knowledge out there. There aren’t enough hours in the day at this point. I need help on all the technical sides of the process. I have the name and the concept and even a few guests willing to share their passionate thoughts with me. What I need is the support to get it done. If this sounds like fun – let me know!






JoAnna is the author of:

Winning at Customer Retention, 101 Ways to Keep ’em Happy, Keep ’em Loyal and Keep ’em Coming Back

Building Customer Loyalty – 21 Essential Elements in ACTION

54 Ways to Stay Positive in a Changing, Challenging and Sometimes Negative World


For more information on JoAnna’s programs or books call 561-279-0027

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