What a time of confusion it is. Most people are dazed, confused, fearful and stressed. We don’t know what’s going on out there so I figure it’s a good time to explore what’s going on in HERE, inside. Yep, inside of ourselves.

What a time of confusion it is. Most people are dazed, confused, fearful and stressed. We don’t know what’s going on out there so I figure it’s a good time to explore what’s going on in HERE, inside. Yep, inside of ourselves.


It’s a time of opportunity. Contrary to popular belief, confusion is actually a good state – it means the brain is open to new possibility. Confusion creates cracks in the armor of our belief systems, and “life as usual” becomes an assumption to be challenged. I think that’s a good thing.


I know I’m going to get criticized by someone for saying this, but maybe if we all stopped harping on how bad the confusion is and all looked at it and said, “Okay, this is the hand I’m holding right now, how might I play it so I come of this whole and possibly even happy?”


We’re all affected by the condition of the world today. How we look at it, how we choose to see the future matters.  Do I choose to see myself two years from now living with relatives? No – much as I love them, I’m pretty independent.


Do I choose to see myself as healthy, strong, happy and prosperous? You bet. I spend a lot of my time (and probably not nearly enough) thinking, visioning and dreaming about the future I want to create. It’s a pretty good looking future. I know when I couple thinking with action it’s pretty powerful.


And I know in order to create that future I have to take my focus on the “what is today” and shift it to the “what I want it to be tomorrow.”


I see a beautiful future – and all of us wiser, more grounded, better able to work together, more willing to see each other’s strengths. If we are willing to see this paradigm rattling time for what it is, it’s the perfect time to create a more positive future.


A great life does not happen by accident or by working “harder” and hoping for the best. Success in life – total, balanced, fulfilling success – is the logical result of doing the right things, in the right order, at the right time. Of course, innovation and creativity are essential as well – and I’ve found they happen more readily and more consistently in an environment disciplined enough to give them enough space to emerge.


It’s a good time to invest in yourself. There are lots of ways to do that. Read more books or take a few courses. Get together with friends for “high conversation” about a topic that is meaningful or join a mastermind group. Plan a retreat for yourself or find one that is already planned.



I see this crazy, confused, sad and even angry time as the time to create a new way of being for ourselves. We get to chose the attitude we have, and where we put our focus. Let’s all remember there is a lot that is right with the world. We need to elevate and celebrate what’s right. Let’s focus on what we want to create. Remember – Only those who can see the invisible can do the impossible!



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