There are all kinds of companies on my mailing list – big ones, little ones and even some really tiny ones. Why? Everyone is concerned about happy customers, happy employees and what they bring – LOYALTY.
So what’s loyalty? Is it just longevity? Repeat business? Referrals?
It’s way more than that – it’s a combination of feelings and behaviors on the part of the customer – and your employees – that enriches the organization and everyone it touches.
When a customer has a good experience with you they might come back and buy again – even more than once – that means you’ve got some customer retention. Good, but not good enough.
Loyalty is an emotional attachment that a customer (or an employee) makes with a company that produces good feelings – and therefore good biochemicals in the body. (That’s a topic for another day.)
When the customer feels that their interaction with a company has been positive, easy, maybe even fun or has enriched their lives even just a little, they are more apt to want to come back and experience it again. Because it feels good.
(Yes- even efficiency feels good, so those of you shaking your heads please remember – it’s about the customer’s subjective evaluation of the experience – so if “in/out and done” is all you are looking for – than that’s what makes YOU feel good.)
People like feeling good. When people feel good they share good.
Perhaps it’s by passing that good feeling along to others. Perhaps it’s by sharing info with their friends and on their social media channels. Perhaps it’s by referring a new customer.
Loyalty is an emotional experience! Emotions move us.
Whether you are a big company or small you benefit from loyalty – and in one way or another it drops to your bottom line.
That’s why I’m inviting you to participate in the 2018 Client Loyalty Summit, a virtual event created by Deb Brown, the author of the soon-to-be-released book, “Lifelong Loyal Clients”, starts August 27th, and is the perfect opportunity to learn from top experts so you can build a loyal following.
The Summit’s intended audience is smaller businesses, but after I saw who she had speaking (besides myself) I know there’s something there for everyone who takes the time to listen.
National and international experts will be talking to Deb about the factors that contribute to loyalty. You can take their tips and implement them in your small – or even larger – business to build your loyalty.
The summit includes content-rich training sessions and panel discussions on the topics of client intimacy, client appreciation, engagement, personal touch, and trust.
Just a few sessions you’ll enjoy…
“How to Build Trust,” with Stephen M. R. Covey
“How Client Appreciation Influences Loyalty,” with Dr. Paul White
“Keeping Your Promises,” with Jason Hewlett
“Client Gifting that Doesn’t Suck,” with John Ruhlin
I’ll be talking about focusing on Client Happiness (of course) and there will be lots more.
Grab your FREE seat now!
And while I’ve got you thinking about LOYALTY, have you considered what makes your employees loyal and how you help keep the best ones working for you? If you’d like to discuss your loyalty strategies you know where to find me 561-279-0027 JoAnna@ReturnOnHappiness.com Let’s have a chat!
Are YOU a Positive Energizer? (A 3 minute video for you that might help you answer that question)
Let’s talk soon,
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