Last week was some week! A great workshop with a client outside of Atlanta, lunch with a lifelong fan, an amazing and life changing visit with friends Karen and Connie (who are colleagues) a joint birthday celebration with Karen AND an amazing birthday party (for me!) back here in FL at the beach – on the full moon! Makes me want to say, “How does it get any better than this?”
But it did.
Maybe it was the energy of Americans celebrating Freedom on the 4th, maybe it was breakfast, lunch and dinner with the two women who helped me walk across fires, break arrows at my neck and bust through a concrete capstone with my fist. Maybe it was fueled by a comment from one of the people who attended my session. When asked what she would do differently because of my workshop, she commented, “I’ll stop putting so much energy into negative thoughts.”
All I knew was there was something for me to learn.
Was I paying too much attention to problems and not possibilities? Was I too quick to say, “yes but” rather than “yes and?” Could it be that I was looking through the lens of what I couldn’t or wouldn’t do rather through the lens of excitement? Was I falling into cultural stereotypes and feeling a little “old?”
There’s nothing like a few days away from your usual geography – in this case – spent with two coaches who love me – to quickly open the topic of limiting beliefs.
Years ago, I had a practice of looking at my beliefs once a year and checking in to see if they still served me – I’d say it’s time to go back to that practice. Old beliefs that limit me are never going to support the magnificent future I desire. (And you’re in it, by the way!)
Old beliefs that limit you are never going to support your magnificent future either. Richard Bach, Author of the classic “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” once said “Argue for your limitations and you get to keep them.”
In the rolling hills of Georgia, I began MY new year breaking through the illusion of my own limiting beliefs. In the loving space of friends, I allowed myself to be challenged and began embracing new possibilities.
Then, in the spirit of Independence Day, I remembered that true freedom begins when we recognize that we have the power to choose our perspectives, responses and actions, no matter what lurks in our pasts.
I can liberate myself when I keep my eyes on the glorious future I want to create.
We’re halfway through the year. May I suggest that it’s a good time to challenge some of your limitations, embrace a growth mindset, and find the inspired courage you need to walk fearlessly into your future too?
Because I always have a special gift for YOU on my birthday I’ll take 33% off of any my programs or lunch and learns AND if you use the coupon code July33 until August 3 at https://www.positiveenergizer.com/ you’ll automatically save on our life changing leadership support program. You can always call me (you know I LOVE to hear from you) and I’ll help you choose what’s right for you and the team. You book in July and we’ll do your program when your team’s all back from vacay and raring to go!
When I left Atlanta, Connie Phelan gifted me with a signed copy of her book Inspired Courage: Breaking through Barriers to Success. It’s what I’m reading right now! You can follow her journey from an introverted print manager to CEO and learn how you can inspire courage in your life too!
With enormous gratitude that you open and read my musings!
PS Karen (my birthday twin) and I are in the process of re-writing a new 2-day Breakthrough to Positive Leadership Event that has already been scheduled by a State Agency for the third quarter. Jump the line and schedule THAT program and save a BUNDLE!