Last week I got a call from a friend to see if I could be a “substitute” Chamber speaker for another friend who had a family emergency. The topic, I was told, was Customer Service. I was happy to oblige. In fact, I had a program that I thought would be perfect and told the organizer so.
“Great she said after seeing it! Only one problem – we’ve been advertising this talk as “The 3 Keys to Extraordinary Customer Service,” So your title (The Heart of the Matter) won’t work.
Hmm. That means I had to do a little rethinking and redesigning – since I don’t actually use the “service” word.
I had fun thinking about how to frame what I wanted to say using the idea of “3 Keys.” I thought I would share them with you today. For some of you, it’s new – for others, it’s a reminder of the fundamentals I’ve been teaching you to teach for a while.
Key #1 – STOP calling it service.
The root word of service in Latin is “servus” which means slave. We service air conditioners – we service cars – people? They don’t want to be serviced. They want more.
A study by Wunderman found that the majority (79%) of consumers said brands have to actually demonstrate that they understand and care about them before they are going to consider purchasing.
So ask yourself – are you delivering service or C. A. R. E? I use that word as an acronym. Are you Creating Authentic Relationships Enthusiastically, Energetically, Emotionally?
You see, how you view your job is as important as how you do your job. Business is all about relationships and relationships are all about VALUE. What value do you create?
Key #2 – It’s all about the “F” word – and that word is feelings.
The heart of the matter is that more emotional intelligence is what most companies need to take better care of customers.
Here’s my definition of The Customer Experience: The sum total of the feelings evoked as a result of any interaction at any touch point in the organization. It’s based on the customer’s perception of the value delivered, tangible and intangible.
That means people need to understand how they create both tangible and intangible value. We need to get out of the satisfaction trap and stop asking “How can we create satisfied customer customers?” and ask “How can we create customer happiness? How can we create the kinds of emotions that will keep the customers coming back? Happiness is the new Productivity.
Customers have both rational and emotional needs – when you can meet, exceed and anticipate those emotional needs you bond with them is a way more likely to make them loyal!
Key #3 – Learn how to turn Moments of Truth (every interaction at any touchpoint) into Moments of Magic instead of moments of mediocrity or misery.
Look at all the places customers have an opportunity to make a judgment about the quality of the CARE you are delivering and use those places to build larger “Emotional Bank Accounts.”
Ask yourself: Are we delivering Misery, Mediocrity or Magic?
Often you can turn ordinary moments into Moments of Magic by adding a little extra attention, more enthusiasm, deeper listening, more mindfulness; extra value, expertise, knowledge, ideas, or support. Having happy people with great skills helps a lot. They are more likely to leave the customers happy. Make your interactions memorable in an emotional way. Beginnings and endings are remembered the most, so make them great!
MAGIC means “Make a Great Impression on the Customer.”
Customer Service? Done. Over. Outdated. Finito!
Step on up and Dare to CARE!
By the way – This program is now a 45- 60-minute LIVE webinar you can purchase for your team. Looking for a great lunch and learn? Here’s one everyone will enjoy! And there’s room for interaction. Available now at 33% off our regular webinar investment for the month of MAY! We can handle 100 people in our Zoom platform and you get to keep a copy for those who couldn’t attend. This one is a great one to put in your training library! Call today 561-279-0027 or Email JoAnna@ReturnOnHappiness.com
With appreciation