When do you do your best work? When you’re stressed, over stimulated and overwhelmed by the environment around you? Or when you are feeling good about being you, when you know your work is important, appreciated and valued and when you leave work knowing you made some kind of difference in the world?
I don’t know about you – but I’ve experienced both these extremes – and experiencing the latter is ever so much more rewarding.
Happy New Year and welcome to the new roaring 20’s – when it’s time to get real, be real and stay real!
Roaring – that’s what the world is doing – that’s what your customers are doing (in public no less) and that’s what your employees are doing) oh dear, in public as well. The whole world is roaring and the sound is deafening.It seems to me everybody is shouting.
It’s taken me this long to write my New Year’s message, for these are times that are unusual, critical and hold the promise of transformation for all of us. By the time this month crests – on the 15th or so – you will have set your energy in motion for the year and perhaps the decade ahead. So I suggest, unless you’ve already done this, set aside time on your calendar to set your intentions for the new year – not resolutions – intentions.
Set your intentions for what you want to do and what you want to BE.
I invite you to consider that Leadership is a lot like Love.
When you look at the accumulation of the of the lots and lots of little things you do every day as a leader, you’ll notice that over time you build trust, build caring, build strong “emotional bank accounts” with others. In doing so you help build the “I love my job” feeling.
It takes consistent effort over time to make the little things important, special and meaningful. And I know that, by the fact that you are reading this, that you are the kind of person that is willing to keep moving towards a more conscious, caring and consistent leadership practice.
When you as the leader are able to be clear about the direction you are headed, fully embrace the talent you have on board, and commit to helping others bring their best self to work daily, you will find a sense of satisfaction so deep, a sense of pride (the good kind) so expansive, and a sense of accomplishment so high that it will be hard to keep you from grinning.
So as I think about this year and this new decade’s “BE-Attitudes” I offer the ones that came to me in meditation today.
Be Bold
Be Heart-Centered
Emotionally Intelligent
Be Authentic – Be Real
Be Compassionate
Be Virtuous, Value based and Visionary
Be Vulnerable
Be Willing
Be Giving
Be Toughminded in these new BE-Attitudes
Be an “Outlaw”
Right now, I ask that you take a big deep breath with me. AH – HAAAA
There is new decade ahead of us. My job is to be a guide, an elder, a muse. Your job is to be the kind of leader, people stand in line to follow.
Be the leader you always wanted to have. The leadership we need today is you and your commitment to being a Positive Leader adding to the amount of positivity on the planet. Do your part. We need you.
And if you want to add to the list of BE-Attitudes, comment below!
Happy New Year!
PS IMPORTANT NEWS – Happiness is now considered a KPI in business – it’s THAT important! As a KPI – it’s measurable – trackable – and even predictive! I am happy to tell you more about it – get your leadership team together and I’m happy to do a short webinar telling you all about the 8 ways we measure happiness. Call me 561-279-0027
Start the year on the “Right side up” and join the growing community of people who are choosing to create a more positive workplace climate. While climate change outside is evident – climate change on the inside has to do with the choices you make daily as you step up to your leadership practice.
Rush over to www.PositiveEnergizer.com today and get prepared for the challenges of the new year and new decade by becoming that leader. I’ll make sure you get some personal coaching to go along with it to start your year off right!