What happens when you create an environment of well being for your people? What happens when you create the conditions in which people thrive?
They give back.
And they want to give back. That giving spills out to other employees, to customers, to suppliers and to the community!
After three decades of consulting I can tell you that one of the questions I’m used to getting from clients is “How do I get people to go the extra mile?”
I believe that Albert Nobis, CEO of DHL Express Italy has some answers.
This last weekend I was proud to be a speaker and attendee at WOHASU – The World Happiness Summit and spend time with some of the smartest people on the planet!
Albert’s presentation was live casted from Italy. He told us about a movement in his company he calls “Felicita.” In Italian the word Felice means happy. (And it just happens to be my middle name, yes really. Happiness is my middle name.)
Felicita means “I generate” or “I produce.” He has figured out how to produce so much happiness in his company that they have been named THE World’s BEST Workplace!
He says that while focusing executive attention on happiness used to be a nice thing to do, now, after all we’ve been through there is a whole new urgency for workplaces to become happy places.
“Happiness,” he said, “cannot be as aspiration in business – it’s a NEED.” And a critical one I’d say after hearing from dozens of speakers explaining the reasons behind the “great resignation.”
This man gets up every morning and thinks about the 40,000 people in his care. He realized that if he wanted to create “the soil of happiness” for individuals and their families, he had to change. And that he did. Now he is able to say, “Well being is the way we do business.”
Good thing.
The younger generation coming into the workforce is not willing to compromise. They want quality relationships in every area of their lives.
That’s a far cry from what I heard from my Dad when I complained about my job to him. “JoAnna, you’re not supposed to like your job – do your job and do it well – but you don’t have to like it.”
We’ve come a long way from that advice!
We know that if the workplace isn’t a caring place, isn’t a place where people can use their strengths, and connect with their purpose, they won’t be loyal. They won’t have a reason to.
There is nothing worse than working a long day – even at an exciting job – if you feel unappreciated and worn out.
When managers don’t understand how to energize people at work, work becomes an energy drain and people go home at night with less than enough of their best selves to play with the kids or feed their significant relationships. We know this must stop – how do we know? People are leaving the workplace in droves. Fortune magazine reports that nearly two-thirds of US workers are looking to change their jobs or leave the workforce all together.
Happy positive cultures beget happy positive and productive people. They spillover into happier families and communities.
If you are ready to discover how to create a Positive Spillover Effect where you work – reach out and give me a call 561-279-0027 at the office, or email me JoAnna@ReturnOnHappiness.com
Need a little more nudging?
Go a little deeper and experience this delicious little 3-minute video What Do You Want Them to FEEL?
With Much Felicita!
PS The World Happiness Report was released on Sunday you can read it here https://worldhappiness.report/ed/2021/