In the middle of the course, after much discussion about where your emotional intelligence lies I ask this question: What do you want to be famous for? As a leader, what do you want to be known for, seen as, remembered as, stand for, steward?

What you are famous for is subjective and personal.

I chuckled one day when reading my evaluations after a speech I’d delivered that morning.“JoAnna’s energy is better than a second cup of coffee!” exclaimed a happy attendee. The conference producer was thrilled since she had hired me specifically to get the group fired up about taking better CARE of their customers. She was the first to say to me, “You’re a real Energizer!” I took that to heart and made it my goal to energize, enlighten and enliven my audiences with common sense, humor and practical how-to’s to “Keep Customers Happy, Loyal and Coming back!”

These days I’m spending a good deal of time taking some of my very best material on positive leadership and customer loyalty to create an in-depth yet affordable E-Course on how you can become a “Positive Energizer” where you work.In the middle of the course, after much discussion about where your emotional intelligence lies I ask this question:


What do you want to be famous for?


As a leader, what do you want to be known for, seen as, remembered as, stand for, steward?

In your customer’s eyes and the eyes of the world: What do you want to be?

I’d like to share an exercise from the course to help you answer that question. Take at least 15 minutes in a quiet space to ponder these questions and write down your answers.


Here’s the best way to do this exercise:


Find a quiet spot where you won’t be disturbed for 15 minutes.

  • Relax into your chair and count your breath.
  • Four counts in and four counts out. Make each breath a little deeper than the one before.
  • Close your eyes, and put a hand over your heart.
  • Bring to mind one thing about your work experience that you really appreciate and feel gratitude for it.
  • Sink into that gratitude.

Now, use your imagination to put yourself out into the future a few years.


There’s a special party and it’s for you. You are being honored for some significant (non-monetary) accomplishments with your team. Perhaps you’ve increased loyalty, or done something with your community, perhaps you’ve grown other leaders in your department. As you’ve grown into the leader you want to be, what qualities have you embodied that have impacted your co-workers, customers or community?
Make a list of the things people are saying about you as they recognize and praise you for these accomplishments.

Now answer the question: What do I want to be famous for? 


I’d love to know.


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