Day in, day out it’s your job as a leader to keep your people motivated, engaged, and focused on creating value for the customers – external OR internal.
It’s hard work – I know, I’ve been there!
If you want to maintain that positive culture of yours – you must be consistently delivering 3– 5 times more acknowledgement, affirmation, praise, goodwill, recognition, compliments, and focus on strengths than sarcasm, criticism, cynicism, or corrective actions.
To create that high-performance culture you want, you need to deliver five times more questions focused on what’s strong rather than what’s wrong.
Five times more focus on what’s right and what you want to create rather than on what needs to be fixed and what you don’t want.
Whew! It’s hard work – and I’d like to give you a breather from that responsibility – at least for a while!
Announcing my new “Done For You” interactive webinar: Motivation Made Easy
What?? “Done for you?”
Here’s how it works: You give me your people and I will do some of that heavy emotional lifting for you!
First – you and I spend 30 – 40 minutes together and you tell me about the members of your team who you’d like me to motivate to create more value for their customers. They can be at any level. I’ll extract from you some of the things you probably wish you’d feel free to express, but just don’t. (I get it!)
You share with me their strengths – and let me know some of the things you’d like them to know. Things like your appreciation and admiration (you know the things that are sometimes hard to say.)
I take that information and weave it into a custom-designed, 90 – 120 minute experience, for your people where they have the opportunity to understand:
- How valuable they are to the team
- What their uniquely special “superpowers” are
- Why their customers like working with them
- Learn and practice some of my “power tools” for expressing appreciation
- Get access to “Positivity Practices” that help them motivate themselves!
So here’s the deal – and it IS a deal!
It’s half what I would ordinarily charge for this customized experience for your team. I’ve given this “VIP Flash Sale” pricing!
Paid in full when you book – $2,500!
You can email me by hitting reply.
You can call me on my cell 561-866-0528.
I’ve got it priced EASY for you – check out your budget and I’ll bet you find a little money there you have to spend before the end of the year – And what better place to spend it!
Remember what I teach – You can’t really motivate people. People motivate themselves. What you can do is create an environment where people feel good about themselves in your presence. Amen.
Let me help!