It’s a dark stormy day here in South Florida. Looks like rainy season has moved in a few weeks early. Every few moments the afternoon crackles with the sights and sounds of lightning streaking across the sky. I’m happy I’m indoors.
There’s a lot of electricity out there.
Speaking of electricity, it was more than a dozen years ago sitting here in this very spot at my desk that I felt a shock wave that would change my life. (and maybe yours) I’d been invited to a conference call hosted by Dr. Martin Seligman, the founding father of Positive Psychology. The moment I heard his voice, I felt a surge of electricity from the top of my head down through my spine.
A powerful affirmation that I was in the right place, at the right time with the right person. Six months later I graduated as An Authentic Happiness Coach and the quality of my work changed dramatically as I began integrating the Science of Happiness into my work and my life.
It changed the quality of life for hundreds of clients and the thousands of people they touch everyday as well. Maybe even you.
Last year, on this very day, May 18th a little lightning struck again.
I was in Nashville TN speaking at a Vistage meeting on the topic I call “What’s Your Return On Happiness?”
In this meeting we went around the table and each of the execs got to talk about their progress over the last month as they checked in. As one man spoke about the company where he serves as president, I felt a little bit of that lightening starting at the top of my head and begin to creep down my neck. I straightened in my chair as my intuition said, “This is important.”
And it was.
One year ago today I met someone who could change your financial future.
His company offers a proprietary financial strategy that can be used to attract, retain and reward employees for their loyal service. Those employees receive, after about ten years on the program, tax-free income for the rest of their lives.
That’s right – tax-free income. You’d think that was the best part of the story but it’s not.
Even better – there is no out of pocket costs to the employer. Tax-free income, no out of pocket expenses. None, zippo, nada.
What the…. ?
It’s a brilliant strategy that gives companies a competitive advantage that along with a happy culture will help to make them the clear choice in their industry for the BEST people in their industry.
This strategy is being used successfully by a variety of different kinds of companies, in many different industries and can even be used by CEO’s to preserve and protect their own wealth for their families.
It’s being used by charities and sports teams and even fast food franchisors. If you are interested in knowing whether your company qualifies for this program, let’s talk. 561-279-0027
Next to a great culture, a great compensation package is what people are looking for in an age where the #1 fear is not having enough money for retirement. This solves that problem – by providing years of tax-free income for life!
I’m setting up meetings now with senior executives who are interested in knowing more. You have to qualify since we can’t offer this to all industries – just MOST industries. If you have 20 or more “key players’ in your organization that you can’t afford to lose, let’s talk soon. 561-279-0027
If you qualify, we’ll set up a call where my new strategic partner Matt and I will present this brilliant, unique and game-changing strategy.
Just one more way to energize your team!