May 21, 2021

To Whom it May Concern,

I am honored to provide a positive testimonial of the impact that JoAnna Brandi has had on our Leadership Team and consequently the culture and positivity within our organization.

JoAnna’s integration of her ‘Return on Happiness’ and Positive Leadership’ themed presentation was ideal for our team.

Prior to our training event JoAnna took the time to invite core members from our team to a ‘wisdom circle’ to help tailor her presentation to meet the most urgent needs of our organization. Based on the team’s feedback, JoAnna created and delivered a motivational and interactive training opportunity titled, ‘How to Create a High- Performance Team’.

This training provided the opportunity to implement immediate actions as well as long-term strategies that will benefit our culture today and in the future. I have witnessed staff team members incorporating new techniques such as the ‘5 to 1 What’s Strong vs. What’s Wrong Ratio’ and the ‘Spillover Effect’ in their staff relations and we have become much more intentional in sharing with our associates on how they personally bring value to our organization.

We are a better, more positive organization because of our relationship with Joanna Brandi.

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