Yesterday was my birthday. It was fun to celebrate over the weekend with friends. I started the morning with meditation and a walk on the beach before coming to work. My usual practice is to continue celebrating for the whole month of July.

Yesterday was my birthday.

It was fun to celebrate over the weekend with friends. Yesterday, I started the morning with meditation and a walk on the beach before coming to work. My usual practice is to continue celebrating for the whole month of July.


Why all this celebrating?

It’s important.


Celebration recognizes, magnifies and honors. It acknowledges, affirms and applauds.


We can celebrate small and we can celebrate big.


Positive Energizers – those of you who know how to energize others into motivating themselves – know the art, and the science of celebration.


High performance cultures have five times more acknowledgement, affirmation, praise, good will, recognition, and celebration then their ho-hum counterparts. They have five times more compliments and focus on strengths than sarcasm, criticism, cynicism or corrective actions related to weaknesses.


In these cultures you will hear five times more questions focused on what’s strong rather than what’s wrong. What’s going well and why? What are the options here? What’s possible? What can we do to affect people more positively? How can we create more value?


You Positive Energizers put five times more focus on what’s right and what you want to create rather than on what needs to be fixed and what you don’t want. That’s a huge shift from the ordinary.


And there’s a bonus to all this celebration at work – it rubs off at home.


It’s proven that happy marriages carry that 5:1 ratio as well.


If you want to know about the Joy of Positive Leadership, in honor of my birthday I’ll give you $69 off of your investment when you use the coupon code BDAY with your purchase for the whole month of July. There’s something to celebrate.


Acknowledge the good,




PS Gallup says that 51% of employed people are looking for jobs today. If you’re in a competitive industry and want to attract, retain and celebrate your talented key players – without any out of pocket cost – call me or email me for an introduction to the most innovative and rewarding retention strategy I’ve ever seen. It’s a game-changer, just like you are.


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