Jack Needham—Chief Thought Provoker, Williams Comfort Air

Positive Leadership is a way of life. It is not something that you do, it is something that you become. Walking day by day and month by month with the leaders of our organization and seeing the transformation of the coaching and leadership styles here at WCA is humbling at best. The Positive Leadership course assembled by JoAnna helped us accelerate the talents, skills, and abilities that are necessary to live this life while leading others. The one statement I hear time and time again is, “What are you broadcasting?, which is part of JoAnna’s program and quickly helps our leaders determine if they are above the line or below the line in their thinking.

Kelly Schram, NACCM, Conference Director

“Very rarely do we invite speakers back to the NACCM from one year to the next. JoAnna Brandi is the exception – and for good reason. JoAnna consistently brings us new content and fresh perspectives that keep attendees engaged, and kindles their customer care passion so much so that they take action when they return to their organizations. JoAnna’s talks are both inspirational and highly applicable, and attendees make sure we know this by rating her one of our top three speakers at every conference.”

Greg Boutain, Yakima Federal Savings

“The program was excellent. The most significant ‘take-away’ for me from the ‘Powered by Positivity’ program is the scientific information on how the neurons in the brain can continue to grow and new pathways with positive patterns can override old negative habits. I would tell others that this program could change their life in a positive way. It’s also a great managerial tool with employees.”