Are YOU Out of Service?

I just got back from the UPS Store where I was attempting to mail back an Amazon package, only to find out that apparently the product I was returning was purchased from someone out of the country. I couldn’t exactly just ship it back.   Apparently I need wait several days and there would be…

Are You Cultivating Mindset Mastery in Your Team?

There’s nothing that makes me happier than training young leaders.   For the most part they come to positive leadership with beginner’s mind and are fascinated to learn that their ability to create positivity, happiness and joy in their own lives is the “special sauce” needed to create high performance teams at work. Now of…

Are You Creating an Appreciating Cycle?

Did you know that In the year 2002 the very recently deceased Dr. Daniel Kahneman, a professor of Psychology, won the Nobel Prize for Economics for proving that people make decisions emotionally and then justify them with logic?   I can still remember the sheer joy I felt at this announcement. By that time, I’d…

Are YOU Ready for the “Other” New Era?

Welcome to the dawn of a new era – the era of wisdom. It’s a time where the warmth of human connection needs to shine brighter than ever before  – yes, amidst all the conversations we’re all having around artificial intelligence.   AI – some of us are diving headfirst into its embrace, others are…

Are You Creating Psychological Safety at Work?

Years ago when we talked about safety at work we were usually talking about the physical elements – no trip and fall hazards, good air quality, making sure those who had to lift, haul or move things had the appropriate equipment.   Today, in addition to that – with more burnout and anxiety at work…

Will You Be My Valentine?

Happy Valentines Day! It’s a fun holiday filled with shiny red hearts, yummy chocolates and cards that express love in so many different ways. What’s even more fun is knowing that this celebration of love goes all the way back to 5th century Rome.   Some ideas just have staying power.   Love for instance.…

Do you know the POWER of gratitude?

Last week a colleague of mine referred a lovely woman to me for some advice. She was out of work and seeking a job after being outplaced from a position she had for over 20 years. She does web design but she’s discovered her real dream is to design children’s books. She’s grateful for the severance…

3 Easy Things to Commit to in the New Year

Happy New Year! If you’ve been with me a while you KNOW I love this month? WHY?   Everybody you meet starts the conversation with the word, “Happy.” Think about it.   Since the ball dropped in Times Square I know I must have said HAPPY New Year at least 25 times, maybe more! How…