Survey results and a “Time In” for you.
Pay attention. pay attention. We pay with our attention. where are you putting your attention these days?
I’ve been quiet lately. My ear’s been to the ground.
I’ve been reading a lot of different things and gathering lots of information over the last months. Things are changing, priorities are shifting and I want to understand more. I like asking people good questions, sitting back to listen and taking notes.
In the regional CEO meetings where I share my expertise and my ideas, essentially I ask people what’s “workin’ ’em and what’s learnin’ ’em” just like my cross-cultural anthropologist teacher, the late Angeles Arrien used to do.
For a long time I heard – technology, change, costs and customers. Now I’m hearing that keeping employees happy and engaged is becoming as important as keeping customers happy. (If not more.)
A few weeks ago, on a Friday, I asked you and others to participate in a survey so I could know how “on target” I was with my thinking and my latest work.
I so appreciate your response!
If you didn’t respond and still want to – I’ll give you an opportunity at the end of this article.
In the meantime – here’s what I learned from the people who read my museletter. (You’re a mixed group including CEO’s, Customer Service Managers and Directors, Business Owners and Consultants. – all of you are leaders! )
- 58% are concerned about – or critically concerned about – being able to attract enough great people to grow their companies.
- 20% more say it’s starting to become an issue.
- 63.2% are already concerned – or critically concerned – about getting leaders developed who will have the smarts, emotional intelligence and desire to grow with their company.
- 63% are concerned or critically concerned about keeping their company values alive and integrated into day-to-day behavior.
- 40% are concerned about figuring them out – and 10% more feel this is starting to become an issue in their company.
While some people report that employees have a lack of enthusiasm, others talk about differing management styles between departments which dilutes focus because of “infighting.”
Others are actively working on their cultures and their focus is hiring the “best of the best.”
Some are challenged by getting workers to appreciate the value of quality in what they do.
Another already in the process of building a culture of trust – and sees that as both challenge and opportunity!
- 63.7 % are concerned or critically concerned about keeping their culture positive and productive. 62.5 % about weeding negativity out of their culture. Something tells me I’m on the right track.
- 63.7 % tell me they are concerned or critically concerned about employee engagement. The same amount are concerned about leadership’s ability to keep employees engaged and excited to come to work. 55% specifically concerned about their ability to motivate and manage younger workers.
- Happiness for 19% of the respondents was starting to become an issue, with 54% reporting it already was.
In short – most companies are reporting that they have concerns about the “People and Culture” issues in their companies.
Brilliant author and speaker Jason Jennings recently said that 100% of the CEO’s that’s he’s interviewed in the last year said “recruiting, hiring and engaging employees” is the thing that’s keeping them up at night!
Sounds familiar to me. I did my study to verify what I’ve begun hearing over and over again from companies who want to grow. Growing companies today are only limited by the amount of “great people” they can find.
I was at a conference a few months ago where I heard the words “War for Talent.” I find that expression distasteful but acknowledge that the marketplace is more competitive than ever these days.
Listen up leader! Your challenges await!
Here are 5 questions I’d like you to sit with, walk with and share with others.
- Do we routinely look at how our employees feel about the company, their work and their relationships at work?
- Are your leaders emotionally intelligent? Does every leader in the organization know the value of EQ over IQ?
- Are all leaders making the time for one-to-one meetings with direct reports (and others) where they talk about workers’ strengths and opportunities?
- Do you – in your own leadership practice – improve each week? Are you learning something new, getting rid of an old, no-longer-useful habit or belief? Are you becoming more mindful over time?
- Is your company becoming more resilient?
Those are the kinds of topics I’ll focusing on for the next several months at least. Watch for some interesting new programs and formats. I am committed to seeing leaders make the choice to become more positive.
I’m committed to supporting leaders who want to bring joy to work, who want to do everything they can do to create the kind of environment where people can feel good about themselves at work.
Will you stand with me?
I want to see the kind of workplaces where people love to come to work because they know they will have the opportunity to be their best; and in doing so become positive examples for their families and friends.
Emotions are contagious. What kinds are you spreading?
Here are some tools I’ve created to help you:
Want to see how much you energize your people? Take the assessment!
Interested in seeing a DEMO of the Positive Leadership Course? Request a DEMO now
Email for that Demo and get a complimentary ½ hour “Leadership Clarity Call” with yours truly and special “Summer Savings” code for the course!
Have a grateful week,
PS If you didn’t take the survey and would like to: Take Survey HERE