Listen for ideas and feelings, not only words. Get the whole picture. Listen for the emotional tone. Convey empathy.

Do You Know These Listening Secrets?

Whether you are in sales, service, leadership or all three, your ability to communicate is key to your success. One of my clients, a company already getting stellar results with their client relationships, wants to take those a notch higher and deepen their relationships even more. If they can do that, and increase their contract…

Steve Jobs taught us much about destiny, design and connecting the dots. ("You can't connect the dots moving forward, you can only connect them looking backward.") I remember reading the commencement speech he made in 2005 at Stamford and went back to read again what he said, describing his own life and his own learning. I was struck with his wisdom and the secrets to his success. He said, "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary."

Looking Back to Connect the Dots

Steve Jobs taught us much about destiny, design and why connect the dots. (“You can’t connect the dots moving forward, you can only connect them looking backward.”)   I remember reading the commencement speech he made in 2005 at Stamford and went back to read again what he said, describing his own life and his…

William James, the great American psychologist once said that “the greatest of human needs is the need for appreciation.”

Can You Create a Culture of Appreciation?

William James, the great American psychologist once said that “the greatest of human needs is the need for appreciation.” Wow – he was really on the right track with that one!   Whether we are talking about personal or business relationships we all crave appreciation. We all want to know we are valued. We all want…

I am beginning to think the service givers are suffering from a disease I call E.D.S. – Empathy Deficiency Syndrome. Some of the symptoms include apathy and an amazing ability to look right at a customer and not see a thing. The other peculiar indication of this syndrome is the inability to use the words “I’m sorry” or calming phrases such as “I can understand how that might be upsetting.”

Overcoming Apathy by Bringing the Customer to Life in Your Company

JoAnna Brandi hates to generalize, but I am beginning to think the service givers, especially here in Florida are suffering from a disease I call E.D.S. – Empathy Deficiency Syndrome. Some of the symptoms include apathy and an amazing ability to look right at a customer and not see a thing. The other peculiar indication of this syndrome is the inability to use the words “I’m sorry” or calming phrases such as “I can understand how that might be upsetting.”