Loyalty is an emotional connection. It’s not the same thing as retention. Retention and satisfaction will fool you into believing you’ve got a good thing going with your customer (or employee), until you don’t.

 Funny Little Thing about Love

Funny thing about the human brain. Functional MRI imaging tells us that when we look at a photo of someone we love it activates the same parts of the brain as when we look at a logo of a brand to which we’re loyal.   What?  Loyalty is an emotional connection. It’s not the same thing as…

The challenge with reflection is there is always such noise going on in our heads – and in the myriad devices at our fingertips  - that often the higher wisdom we seek can’t be heard because these other voices shout so loudly.

Mirror Mirror on the Wall

Of late, I’ve been in a state of reflection. In order to do that, I’ve had to slow down a bit. And breathe. And listen.   The challenge with reflection is there is always such noise going on in our heads – and in the myriad devices at our fingertips  – that often the higher…

Holiday Wishes

A Little Year End Reflection

  As the year winds down and comes to a close, and our minds turn to celebration, I’d like to invite you to spend a little time on reflection.   These will be some of the questions I’ll be playing with as I reflect on my year. Please feel free to use them, or use…


K Stands for Kindness

 So we are coming to the end of our relationship formula: T.R.A.C.K.   If you have been following along, you’ve learned about Trust, Respect, Appreciation, and open and honest Communication without blame or judgment – all traits practiced by Positive Leaders.(Click the back button on your screen and you can scroll back through those traits.)…


R Stands for Respect

“Respect” comes up in every discussion I have with clients when we explore relationship essentials. It’s a quality we’re all looking for, yet from time to time we can all fall short of actually giving it to others.

Pumpkins JB

T Stands For Trust

T stands for “Trust” Last week I set the stage for our five part “Mini-series” beginning today that I call “Staying on TRACK” for richer, more fulfilling relationships. Trust is truly the kingpin when it comes to relationships. When trust is high, decisions are made quickly and easily. When trust is low, business suffers.  I’ve…

If you've read any of Steven Covey's books you might remember the story of the woodcutter who, although much smaller than his competitor, felled a tree in half the time. The secret was that periodically the smaller of the two stopped his "sawing" and sharpened his saw, making him more effective than his larger more powerful counterpart. The metaphor shows us that sometimes we spend so much time producing results, "sawing,"  that we forget to "sharpen our saw," that is maintain or increase our capacity to produce results in the future.

Sharpening the Saw

If you’ve read any of Steven Covey’s books you might remember the story of the woodcutter who, although much smaller than his competitor, felled a tree in half the time. The secret was that periodically the smaller of the two stopped his “sawing” and sharpened his saw, making him more effective than his larger more…