The human body functions best when it’s positive. Period. Now that we know that – science has proved that it’s true – it’s easy to see that when you leave your employees and customers feeling happy (and maybe even loved) you’ve made a deposit in an emotional bank account that over time compounds, grows larger and actually makes your business easier to grow. Human beings crave appreciation (In fact William James once said the deepest human need is that for appreciation.) While we have set aside one day a year –Valentine’s Day- to celebrate love – I think in light of all that is going on in the world today, we might just consider doing that a little more often!

What’s LOVE got to do with it?

Ever find yourself walking out of a restaurant or movie saying, “I loved it”?   Ever say, “I love my mechanic”, “I love my hair cutter” or “I love my car”? Ever find a place in nature that makes you feel so connected that when you think of it, you actually feel how much you love the place?…

Heart Shape for the nature

Stay Beautiful

I once had a boyfriend who used to end every phone conversation and every email with the phrase, “Stay beautiful.” At first I was delighted by it, but as time went on, I have to admit, occasionally it annoyed me. At that time in my life I was certainly not used to taking compliments gracefully (I’ve gotten over that) and there were many days where I felt far from anything that resembled beautiful.

Listen for ideas and feelings, not only words. Get the whole picture. Listen for the emotional tone. Convey empathy.

Do You Know These Listening Secrets?

Whether you are in sales, service, leadership or all three, your ability to communicate is key to your success. One of my clients, a company already getting stellar results with their client relationships, wants to take those a notch higher and deepen their relationships even more. If they can do that, and increase their contract…

The key to customer loyalty? Creating consistently positive experiences time and time again.There’s no doubt about it; customer loyalty is key to profitability.

Want To Keep Customers & Create Profits? These 5 ‘Positivity Pointers’ Can Help You Enhance Your Customer Experience

There’s no doubt about it; customer loyalty is key to profitability. A mere five percent increase in your customer retention could as much as double your bottom line profits! On the flip side, it costs anywhere from 6-30 times more to get new customers than it does to keep the ones you have – that is, if they’ll stay!

Are you telling healthy stories or horror stories? Are repeating and reinforcing the good in your day, or the bad? Is your story of disempowerment, sadness, failure, rejection, poverty, victimization, pain or lack?

What’s Your Story?

I had a great time on Saturday. Three girlfriends and I did our second one day workshop together here in South Florida entitled “A Woman’s Path to Happiness: Tools 4 Empowered Living”.  Other women go shopping, we pool our talents and teach.   My topic is Happiness Practices; at each workshop I look at another element of what it…

People keep asking me why I'm so darn happy. After all, they say, things are pretty bad out there. All the more reason to stay centered and happy I say. In fact, I've never felt stronger, smarter or more confident than I do now.

Still All Fired Up

People keep asking me why I’m so darn happy. After all, they say, things are pretty bad out there. All the more reason to stay centered and happy I say. In fact, I’ve never felt stronger, smarter or more confident than I do now.   Years ago when I got trained as a happiness coach…