Before I write anything these days (with the exception of a rant when I get poor service, which is driven purely by emotion at the time) I check in with what you want to learn from me about caring for customers, leading a high performance team and creating more happiness for yourself and others.

Are You Dealing Positively with Conflict?

One recurring theme is dealing positively with conflict. I thought I’d tackle that topic today since I was recently challenged myself to do just that.   Here are 12 ways to deal more skillfully and positively with conflict.   Adopt a Win/Win intention. We live in a competitive culture. We want to “win,” but in the competitive…

Labor of Love

A Labor of Love

We’ve been celebrating Labor Day for over a 100 years. The idea of celebrating a “workingman’s holiday” spread with the growth of labor unions.  It’s celebrated in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica, Trinidad, Tobago, the Philippines  and maybe even a few other places. There are still a few speeches and parades that commemorate…

This week I had dinner with my Mom at Seasons52. As the hostess took us to our seats, she picked up two black napkins and when we were seated asked us, since we were both wearing dark clothing, if we'd prefer a black napkin.

The Black Napkin

Last week I was having dinner with a colleague in Miami. A wonderful Italian restaurant on the inter-coastal waterway. Good food, good company. In the rustic tradition the white napkins resembled kitchen towels – thirsty but – uh fuzzy. Absorbed as I was in the food and the conversation I didn’t pay much attention to…