Who Knows?

C Stands For Communication

If you have been following along with our Relationship MiniSeries you’ve been down the TRACK with us from Trust and Respect to Appreciation and today to Communication. Oh – such a big topic to handle in such a small space. Well done communication energizes, informs, and enlivens people. Communication (verbal and non-verbal) is what creates…

Customer Retention Tactics

A Stands for “Appreciation”

The great American psychologist William James once said that the greatest of human needs is the need for appreciation. Wow, he was right on track with that one!   Whether we’re talking about personal relationships or business relationships, we all crave appreciation. We all want to know we are valued. We all want to know…


R Stands for Respect

“Respect” comes up in every discussion I have with clients when we explore relationship essentials. It’s a quality we’re all looking for, yet from time to time we can all fall short of actually giving it to others.

Pumpkins JB

T Stands For Trust

T stands for “Trust” Last week I set the stage for our five part “Mini-series” beginning today that I call “Staying on TRACK” for richer, more fulfilling relationships. Trust is truly the kingpin when it comes to relationships. When trust is high, decisions are made quickly and easily. When trust is low, business suffers.  I’ve…


Relationships Are Everything

Buckminster Fuller, the creator of the Geodesic Dome once said, “Relationships are everything and everything is relationship.” He saw the world as a whole – where everything is connected to everything else and where the relationships between things are as important as the things themselves.  His work synthesized intelligence from the fields of architecture, design,…

Reflection is One of the Great Leadership Habits

 As last year ended and this one began, I put myself in a process of reflection. Reflection is one of the great leadership habits. The challenge with reflection is there is always such noise going on in our heads that often the higher wisdom we seek can’t be heard because there are other voices that…

A Passion for the Possible

By JoAnna Brandi  Alice laughed, “There’s no use trying”, she said, “one can’t believe impossible things.” “I daresay you haven’t had much practice”, said the Queen. “When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”  – From Alice…

If you've read any of Steven Covey's books you might remember the story of the woodcutter who, although much smaller than his competitor, felled a tree in half the time. The secret was that periodically the smaller of the two stopped his "sawing" and sharpened his saw, making him more effective than his larger more powerful counterpart. The metaphor shows us that sometimes we spend so much time producing results, "sawing,"  that we forget to "sharpen our saw," that is maintain or increase our capacity to produce results in the future.

Sharpening the Saw

If you’ve read any of Steven Covey’s books you might remember the story of the woodcutter who, although much smaller than his competitor, felled a tree in half the time. The secret was that periodically the smaller of the two stopped his “sawing” and sharpened his saw, making him more effective than his larger more…

Listen, Please Listen

Last night while out to dinner, one of my dinner companions carefully and specifically ordered his drink, a bloody Mary. “I’d like it made with plain tomato juice, vodka, and a lime, I don’t want any spices at all, please.” The server took the order and shortly returned with a drink that included the spices.…