Heart Shape for the nature

Stay Beautiful

I once had a boyfriend who used to end every phone conversation and every email with the phrase, “Stay beautiful.” At first I was delighted by it, but as time went on, I have to admit, occasionally it annoyed me. At that time in my life I was certainly not used to taking compliments gracefully (I’ve gotten over that) and there were many days where I felt far from anything that resembled beautiful.


Happiness Happens

All day yesterday I had been meaning to write this post, but one thing after another kept me from it. I wanted to call it “Oh Happy Day” but thought better of it after I saw the news last night.

The news hasn’t been very good, in fact it’s downright bad.

So how do I have the nerve to talk about happiness?

Because learning how to create it and sustain it (and all the other positive emotions) can help to increase productivity, creativity, health and well-being at work and at home.

Customer Relationship Management

Now THAT’s Engagement

What’s better than a mission? A cause!   Employees at Providence St. Vincent Medical Center decided to raise awareness for Breast Cancer by donning pink gloves and doing a dance.  They had a ton of fun doing it (that’s obvious) and it brought the whole organization together in a whole new way. Over 200 people…

What a time of confusion it is. Most people are dazed, confused, fearful and stressed. We don’t know what’s going on out there so I figure it’s a good time to explore what’s going on in HERE, inside. Yep, inside of ourselves.

In Confusion: Opportunity

What a time of confusion it is. Most people are dazed, confused, fearful and stressed. We don’t know what’s going on out there so I figure it’s a good time to explore what’s going on in HERE, inside. Yep, inside of ourselves.   It’s a time of opportunity. Contrary to popular belief, confusion is actually…

Happy Valentines

Happy Valentine’s Day

A day dedicated to love. How nice.   Everyone every where seems to be smiling today. At the farmer’s market this morning, the several stops I made today, even the dry cleaners where I complained about the stains they added to my cute little red jacket.   The supermarket seemed brimming with couples picking out…

Core Strength

Core Strength

Happy New Year!   Today’s my first day back to exercising and blogging in a few weeks. A nasty cold, some minor surgery, and the holidays out of state visiting family has kept me away from both.   It feels good to back.   This morning at my “Extreme Stretch” class my brain kicked into…

Employee Retention Tactics

Doing More With Less

I’m an “expert” columnist for Customer Advantage Newsletter and ever few weeks or months they send me questions which I answer. I almost always forget to publish those Q & A’s and so today with my new eyes on potential blog posts I answered one of their questions and then before filing it away said…