Human beings tend to move in the direction of what they talk about. So, leader, let’s stop talking about “what’s wrong” with “these kids today” and start talking about what’s right. If you’re on my list I know you care about creating great customer experiences and nourishing the kind of culture that promotes them. I encourage you to make your own “What’s right” list.

Young People Today

As I do frequently, I recently spoke at a meeting of top execs who are looking to create thriving companies. Once again, (really?) the topic of managing young people today, AKA Millennials, came up, as it’s done for at least a dozen years. I’m still hearing some of the same things now that I heard…

JoAnna Brandi,

Your Customers Do WHAT?

Pick up any business magazine today and (finally) there are some frank discussions of how you make your customers (and employees) feel and the importance of deliberately creating positive emotions in the experience. The more companies understand that the better we all will be. As consumers and as suppliers.   Feeeeelings.. it’s all about the…

Is Anyone Listening?

May be THE Most Important Skill You Can Apply in Life

While out to dinner with a friend last week, he carefully and specifically ordered his drink, a bloody Mary. “I’d like it made with plain tomato juice, vodka, and a lime, I don’t want any spices at all, please.” The server took the order and shortly returned with a drink that included the spices. After tasting…


Karma Footprint

Journalist, Emily Yellin, author of “Your Call is (not that) Important to Us” in 2009  traveled all over the world to talk to people in call centers and their customers told wonderful stories of companies that are finally paying attention to the details of business that matter to customers. From recording an initial greeting for a…

Golden Pineapple Fruit

Get On Your Case

“I’ve been on my case” said Judith when we spoke today.

Judith called to involve me in a joint venture, and in the course of the conversation she used the phrase “no problem” seven or eight times. It was a pleasant, interesting conversation. She was an engaging and intelligent woman who knew her stuff, and as the conversation went on I kept getting distracted as I noticed the little hairs on the back of my neck wiggle every time she used the phrase that began with “No.”