Creating a Giving Culture  Grant suggests that people in leadership positions can: Encourage reciprocity: it's ok to seek help; it's good to give; pay it forward Help givers to set boundaries. Guide them to be perspective takers if they are prone to lacking assertiveness or to being overwhelmed with excessive empathy which can cloud their judgment Guide giving behavior in the direction of best impact: helping others whilst protecting one's own work commitments

Is Yours A Culture of Giving?

Dr Adam Grant, management professor at Wharton, wrote a book Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success. If you are on my mailing list and read my “Customer Care Tip” I’m going to take a wild guess that you are someone who has long ago embraced the idea of “giving”. When I recently saw an…

Are you walking your own talk? Do you need to have a "Get Real!" chat with yourself and make some adjustments? (Oooh I got a big yes to that one..)

Find The Leader Within

  A few years ago, on a fine spring day, I took a walk at the beach. It wasn’t just any walk, it was a walk with intention, a walk with a purpose.   That day while walking, I was asking for guidance from my Higher Self and the better angels of my nature.* It’s…


Leave It Better Than You Found It

Flying home a couple of weeks ago, I was gazing out the window at the expanse of white clouds below the plane. We were almost ready to begin our descent and the pilot told us it was raining badly in Florida. But here we were still above the clouds and the sun was shining and…

One of the first things I would recommend you do as a leader is begin to Practice Positive Leadership by being in gratitude for the happiness of your customers and the well-being of your company.Have you stopped to think about how the company with its inherent happiness and wellness nourishes you?

Take a Stand for Well-being

I got a request from to answer a question sent in by a subscriber, where I am on the “expert” panel for that publication. The good questions always evoke interesting answers. I couldn’t resist sharing this one with you.   Q. We’re stressed! As the manager, I feel overwhelmed. My reps feel it, too.…

The topic of motivation came up recently with a client. Why ? It’s a big topic; as everyone knows and there have been many experts weighing in on it for years, all so interesting.

Always Go Back To ” Why “

The topic of motivation came up recently with a client. Why? It’s a big topic; as everyone knows and there have been many experts weighing in on it for years, all so interesting.   While I don’t consider myself an “expert” in anything, I do have a lot of experience in working with people and…


A Daily Dozen to Build Trust with Your Team

I talked with an old friend the other day and we got to reminiscing about a job we worked on together years ago. Because of some badly handled acquisitions where the cultures of the companies were not particularly considered before merging them together, this company had what we called “relationship issues.” When I think about…


If You’re Not Romancing Your Customers, Who Is?

It’s the time of year when everyone’s thinking about romance. But did you ever think about how much “romance” is involved in building and sustaining customer relationships? I look at the sales and marketing process and it very much resembles the “courtship” we see in our early romantic endeavors. We put our best foot forward,…
