Let It Begin With Me

It’s the first full week of a brand New Year 2013. We greet each other with wishes that the year be “happy and healthy” and of course “prosperous”. Our minds turn to asking questions about how this year might be different than the last. At work we have new goals, new plans, new targets. In…


Holiday Message 2012

Click here for a pdf version “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  An impassioned plea by Robert Parker, the father of 6 year old Emilie Parker, lost in the shooting in CT last week, asks that…


This is Our Defining Moment

If you’ve ever been to one of my workshops or executive meetings, you probably remember a demonstration I do to explain how and why emotions are contagious. If you haven’t, here’s a short explanation. Our bodies are electric. Every organ in our body produces electricity. Most of the time we don’t think about it much.…


Sharing the Wealth

As I move things around trying to find more space in the office, I’m finding a lot of notes that I took at conferences, and a lot of “Keepers”. I’m a note taker. A borderline obsessive note taker. (And while I’m confessing, I must admit, I doodle too.) As I sort through old notes, I’m…

Positive Leadership explores and adopts the appropriate practices of "Positive Deviation". We search inside and outside a company for pockets of success - for people and places where extraordinary things are happening. We study, we analyze based on what we know about our own culture, we discuss, we experiment, and we stay open to what the new sciences are teaching us.

What Positive Leadership Is, And Isn’t

I meet a lot of new people. And that means that frequently I’m asked what I “do”. It would be wonderful if I could develop and remember an “elevator speech” that really encapsulated it; but faced with that situation in real time, I find myself saying a variety of different things. Most of the time…


Get Real

I was in Miami the other day delivering a half day workshop on Building Customer Loyalty: Sharpening Your Competitive Edge. That particular program is “required” for all first year Vistage CEO Groups in Florida. That makes sense. Customer Loyalty is foundational to success. So at the meeting, we get on the topic of Branding. One…


How You View Your Job

..is as important as how you do your job. When you enjoy coming to work, feel proud of what you do, want to make a difference in the lives of others work takes on a different meaning. This week, in honor of the upcoming Customer Service Week (or Customer Happiness Week, if you will) Oct…


This Works Like An Apple A Day

Last week, once again, I had the gift of doing a workshop retreat with CEO’s and their spouses. Some of the people attending run family businesses that have been successful for generations. Others started businesses of their own. All have medium to small size companies, so they are very much like you and I –…
