Is your glass half full or half empty?

Lots of people think the difference between optimism and pessimism is simply the difference between looking at a glass as half full or half empty.   That’s not even half the story!   Optimism and pessimism are explanatory thinking styles, which means they are two different ways of explaining the world to ourselves (self-talk) at…


Act As If

How many times today did you use this skill?   I just got off the phone with a client who has an incredible knack for getting me to design “the next level” of work for her customer ambassadors.   And I know that as I put together her next several workshops, I’ll be using one…


Can you count on a miracle today?

It’s the time of year when gardens look lush here in the northern hemisphere.   A seasoned gardener will tell you there are no miracles to creating beautiful flowers and delicious veggies, just as there is no miracle to creating a flourishing business.   But just for fun, I thought I’d try – and share with…
