What Do You Want To Be Famous For?

I want to be famous for being inspiring, inventive, and radiating positive energy! I’d like to be famous for my common sense Customer CARE principles and my PASSION for bringing positivity into workplaces.

But mostly I want to be famous for motivating people – like you – to take away one or two or maybe three ideas every month or so, put them into practice and experience the positive change – and THEN feel motivated to teach it to others.

There’s only one problem – research shows that only 10% of an “audience” will actually put something into practice. Are you in that group? I’ll bet you ARE!


Why Customer Loyalty Is So Important

It’s still the beginning of the new year – keep it happy!

Next week, on Feb 1st, I will celebrate my 25th year of being in business. That I’ve made that milestone makes me happy. So as I’m packing up to head out to a few speaking engagements I thought I might once more cover some of the basics of why we are all here – why I’m in business and why you are in business– to make customers happy and invite them to stick around and become loyal to our product, our service or our cause.


2015 – Make it the Year of Customer Happiness

Have you listened to yourself over the past week? In all likelihood you’ve said the words “Happy New Year” dozens (if not hundreds) of times. As the back-to-work week really opens up today you are likely to keep saying it some more.

When you are present, genuine and mindful as you share those good tidings you uplift and elevate others. You generate positivity for the recipient of your wishes. You acknowledge their humanity. You recognize their desire for happiness.

According to one of my favorite teachers, Barbara Frederickson, you are creating “Positivity Resonance.” You are striking a chord in the other that, if you were to look at brain scans, would look remarkably similar to your own.

You are spreading “good vibes.” If you spend more than 20 seconds in that happy interaction with the other, you are actually changing your body chemistry and theirs.


Thanksgiving Thoughts From JoAnna Brandi

It’s the Thanksgiving holiday here in the US this week. It’s a time we spend with family and friends and give thanks for all the bounty in our lives. A recent survey commissioned by the John Templeton Foundation revealed how Americans think about gratitude. More than 90 percent agreed that grateful people are more fulfilled, lead richer lives and are more likely to have friends.


21 Tough Questions to Foster an Excellent Customer Experience

“Delivering a great customer experience” has become imperative in business. Competition is tougher than ever and the Customer Experience, for most all of the companies I work for is a top strategic objective.

Of course that makes sense. When customers have great experiences with your company they are more likely to buy more, more willing to tell others and act as referral sources. This makes doing business easier and your bottom line more robust. An increase of only 5% in your profitable customers can drive 25% – 100% more profit to your bottom line.


Profit From Positivity, Part 2

October 7, 2014: 7 Ways to Profit from Positivity – Part 2

Happy Customer Service Week – or as I like to call it “Customer Happiness Week.” This year I am focusing on making sure the
internal customers are happy, engaged and inspired to do their best work in service of the external customer.

To celebrate Customer Happiness, here is the link to a fr*ee webinar I did last week. Watch it immediately. The link will expire in a week.

In our last tip I mentioned that when people feel good at work they are more productive, more creative, more resilient, more likely to achieve their goals. I shared several ways you and your business can profit from positivity.
We talked about:
