Sharpening The Saw?

Did you ever open a file and find an article that you really loved but hadn’t seen in a while? Were you glad that you found it and did you find that not only was it still relevant but that is was more relevant than ever? Yeah, me too. And the funny thing is that sometimes…


When Lightning Strikes

It’s a dark stormy day here in South Florida. Looks like rainy season has moved in a few weeks early. Every few moments the afternoon crackles with the sights and sounds of lightning streaking across the sky. I’m happy I’m indoors.   There’s a lot of electricity out there.   Speaking of electricity, it was…


Can You Say “ Aloha ”?

Last week was my dear friend Anita Holland’s birthday. It was a notable one. Friends flew in from around the country to celebrate.   One, Lorraine, flew in from Hawaii leaving in the middle of the night to get to Florida in time for the party. She’s was carrying one of the best gifts ever –…
