How Full is Your Love Tank?

Last week for the first time in a year and a half I got to see my daughter, her husband, my two fabulous granddaughters (and my new grand-puppy.) Wow! We spent a whole week together celebrating my birthday. There was lots of snuggling, cooking, and laughing.   We made our favorite Italian dishes, took a…


Where Does It Hurt?

If you are like most people, there is a part of you that is just exhausted. A pandemic, a controversial national election, grief, isolation and more feels like it’s pulling us all down. If you let it. When you look outside yourself, it appears like we are swirling in one controversy or another. If you…


Are You Spreading the Love?

Valentine’s Day is here! It’s fun to go into or past stores and see the shelves stacked with shiny red hearts, yummy chocolates and cards that express love in so many different ways. What’s even more fun is knowing that this celebration of love goes all the way back to 5th century Rome.   Some…
