Will You Be My Valentine?

Happy Valentines Day! It’s a fun holiday filled with shiny red hearts, yummy chocolates and cards that express love in so many different ways. What’s even more fun is knowing that this celebration of love goes all the way back to 5th century Rome.   Some ideas just have staying power.   Love for instance.…


On Giving Thanks

It’s the Thanksgiving holiday here in the US this week. It’s a time we spend with family and friends and give thanks for all the bounty in our lives. But it would be a pity to only focus on giving thanks one day of the year, so I’d like to show you seven ways to…


How Could I Forget THIS?

In my last Museletter, I shared some of my thoughts on self-leadership. After all, that is where all leadership begins. I talked about the 5 pillars of self-leadership – I must admit I was proud of myself as that Museletter emerged.   About 3 days after I’d sent it though, I found myself thinking about…
