On Giving Thanks

It’s the Thanksgiving holiday here in the US this week. It’s a time we spend with family and friends and give thanks for all the bounty in our lives. But it would be a pity to only focus on giving thanks one day of the year, so I’d like to show you seven ways to…


How Could I Forget THIS?

In my last Museletter, I shared some of my thoughts on self-leadership. After all, that is where all leadership begins. I talked about the 5 pillars of self-leadership – I must admit I was proud of myself as that Museletter emerged.   About 3 days after I’d sent it though, I found myself thinking about…


The Buck Stops Here

Ever think about the fact that all leadership is self-leadership?   Self-leadership is your ability to take charge of your own life and make conscious choices – ones that align with your goals and values. You know it well. Sounds easy. In theory.   It’s about being the captain of your own ship, steering it…


5 Confessions of a Happiness Coach

When I walked along the beach to come up with idea for this week’s Museletter I heard the word, “Confessions.” It’s probably inspired by the dozens of emails that I get these days where people are baring their souls. Sometimes I’m in tears by 9 AM. Some are heart wrenching, some are sad. All of…


What Motivates and Engages Your People?

There are many things that seem to motivate people – independence, recognition, power, prestige, money, achievement, security, personal growth, professional challenge, collaboration, creativity.   A best friend of mine used to be motivated by being given the opportunity to work on the holidays others took off so she could take off on days when others…
