How You View Your Job as important as how you do your job. When you enjoy coming to work, feel proud of what you do, want to make a difference in the lives of others work takes on a different meaning. This week, in honor of the upcoming Customer Service Week (or Customer Happiness Week, if you will) Oct…


This Works Like An Apple A Day

Last week, once again, I had the gift of doing a workshop retreat with CEO’s and their spouses. Some of the people attending run family businesses that have been successful for generations. Others started businesses of their own. All have medium to small size companies, so they are very much like you and I –…


Focus. Focus. Focus.

It’s a well know fact that we get what we focus on. What we focus on expands. Every leader knows that. When we look for evidence that it’s going to be a bad day, we can usually find some reason to make it so. I frequently laugh with clients who think they have nothing to…


What Does Your Castle Look Like?

Walt Disney, when building Disneyland in Anaheim, CA insisted that the Sleeping Beauty Castle be built first. The architects disagreed with this idea. From their point of view it was not the wisest way to build, it was impractical. The accountants disagreed with this idea too, it was expensive and an unnecessary expense.   No…


Are You Happy At Work Today?

Do you ever wonder if you feel the same way about your job as people in another company feels about theirs?   I can remember a time when the PR about the company I worked for was so good that the truth about some people’s experience there (like middle managers) was kept quietly in the…
