It’s a dark stormy day here in South Florida. Looks like rainy season has moved in a few weeks early. Every few moments the afternoon crackles with the sights and sounds of lightning streaking across the sky. I’m happy I’m indoors.

When Lightning Strikes

It’s a dark stormy day here in South Florida. Looks like rainy season has moved in a few weeks early. Every few moments the afternoon crackles with the sights and sounds of lightning streaking across the sky. I’m happy I’m indoors.   There’s a lot of electricity out there.   Speaking of electricity, it was…

As the days went on and I learned more about the island, its people, customs and language, I began to understand how Aloha is so much more than a greeting. In Maui, Aloha is a way of life, it’s a practice, a connection to the spirit of the land.

Can You Say “ Aloha ”?

Last week was my dear friend Anita Holland’s birthday. It was a notable one. Friends flew in from around the country to celebrate.   One, Lorraine, flew in from Hawaii leaving in the middle of the night to get to Florida in time for the party. She’s was carrying one of the best gifts ever –…

Life has sped up. Everyone is in a hurry. Information is coming at us from all sides, all the time, on all our devices. Do you find your mind racing? I know I do.

Don’t Hurry, Be Happy

Life has sped up. Everyone is in a hurry. Information is coming at us from all sides, all the time, on all our devices. Do you find your mind racing? I know I do. And I know that a mind racing leads to a heart racing stress reaction. Stress is a major issue facing workplaces…

Loyalty is an emotional connection. It’s not the same thing as retention. Retention and satisfaction will fool you into believing you’ve got a good thing going with your customer (or employee), until you don’t.

 Funny Little Thing about Love

Funny thing about the human brain. Functional MRI imaging tells us that when we look at a photo of someone we love it activates the same parts of the brain as when we look at a logo of a brand to which we’re loyal.   What?  Loyalty is an emotional connection. It’s not the same thing as…

Put your intention and your attention together and focus on the things that really matter. Bring your whole self to work every day = Body+Mind+Spirit. Create a safe space so others can bring their whole selves too. Encourage positivity with open discussion and creative conversations.

Energy Flows Where Intention Goes

Happy New 2018 – I’m excited about 2018. Everybody I know seems to think this year is going to be better than last.   I agree. The vibe seems to be on the upswing.   But let’s not leave it to chance.   Let’s set some definite intentions to keep it move it moving in a…

So the big problem we face now – in the medical system as well as in the business world (and perhaps in our own lives) is no longer ignorance but ineptitude.

Is it Ignorance or Ineptitude?

Think back to when you were “PG” – Pre-Google. Back then, most people lived just fine happily not knowing what they didn’t know. It’s a different world today. Ineptitude   With a world of information at your fingertips, whether you’re wondering how to make a flawless soufflé, manage your blood pressure without drugs or create the…

The challenge with reflection is there is always such noise going on in our heads – and in the myriad devices at our fingertips  - that often the higher wisdom we seek can’t be heard because these other voices shout so loudly.

Mirror Mirror on the Wall

Of late, I’ve been in a state of reflection. In order to do that, I’ve had to slow down a bit. And breathe. And listen.   The challenge with reflection is there is always such noise going on in our heads – and in the myriad devices at our fingertips  – that often the higher…