I'm Grateful For

A Labor of Love

We’ve been celebrating Labor Day for over a 100 years. The idea of celebrating a “workingman’s holiday” spread with the growth of labor unions. It’s celebrated in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica, Trinidad, Tobago, the Philippines and maybe even a few other places.

Customer Results

I just got back from a lovely night on the beach with my friend Susan Schluz. We picked up some salads and headed to then beach for a late summer evening of catching up on personal and professional successes and foibles. I haven’t seen her since July, so it was a good time to catch up.

Bill and the Bad Jokes

I was getting ready to get out of the office the other day when my phone rang. I know I shouldn’t pick it up when I’m headed out, but instinct took over and I picked it up.

The man at the other end identified himself as Bill and told me he had one bad joke for me and one quick special offer.

I’d heard from Bill once before and it brought a smile to my face hearing his voice again.

Are you a Blabbermouth?

During National Customer Service Week I did a webinar for Manpower HowtoCreateMoreWow. The technology was fun and I was able to do a few polls. As I was talking about Moments of Truth and Moments of Magic (a MOT turned into a WOW for a customer) I asked this question: In the last week, most of my experiences as a customer have been 1. Magical 2. Mediocre 3. Miserable. 90% said their experiences were mediocre.

Happy Anniversary Jim Blasingame

It’s Jim Blasingame’s 13th anniversary. That’s amazing dedication – he’s been on the air every day for 13 years as the Small Business Advocate.
I’ve had the pleasure of being on his “brain trust? for 11 of those years. Do you have a brain trust? Do you have people you can go to for help, advice, support, feedback and reality checks?

“I do it my OWN SELF!

Spending time with Little Miss, my 2 ½ year old granddaughter, is always a learning experience. For her and for me. Just recently while I was attempting to help her put on her jacket, she pulled away and shouted, “I do it my own self!” I couldn’t help but laugh (the kid cracks me up) and think about how we all grow and seek our independence naturally.