Don Libey, Libey LLC

JoAnna Brandi created the common sense concept of continuous, competent, caring for exquisite customer care. If your company is not a convert to the wisdom of the Customer Care Coach then you are undoubtedly losing customers at a rate you can’t afford. For every $1 you spend on JoAnna Brandi’s Customer Care Coach–the incredible program…

Ralph Drybrough, CEO – Merit Direct

“Wow! I invited JoAnna Brandi to be the luncheon speaker at our Business Mailer’s Co-op Conference as a ‘value-add’ opportunity for our clients. I knew she was exactly the right person to ignite their passion for creating what she calls ‘exquisite experiences’ for their clients – and that by putting her advice into action they…

Sharon Dunn, PSN Administrator, Metcare

“It was an extra special treat having you as a speaker at our June 2010 Leadership development conference.  Your excellent delivery made your message of positivity come to life, engaging our group from the very beginning.  We appreciated your authenticity and passion for challenging others to be better leaders.  I have had such positive feedback…

Thumbs Up

We Don’t Scoop

I recently went out to breakfast with my friend Elaina. We decided on the Panera’s closest to our homes and I was looking forward to my favorite egg sandwich there.   I ordered first. “I’ll have the egg and cheese sandwich – no meat – on a scooped out toasted whole grain bagel and a…

What kind of superpowers do you have that can elevate the customer experience and have your customers walking away happy, excited and ready to spread the good word about you?

Are You a Hero?

Years ago I was on assignment in NY, training a large number of people in a financial services firm. While the training programs themselves were about customer care, in reality there was a lot of work I did to help people manage stress.   I was called in at a time when a fair number…